~ Six ~

272 16 54

Dear Diary,

I actually have proper updates today. It's been a while since I had so much to say.

Basically Y/N is still ignoring us and spending her time with the weirdo. I have no idea why she's going insane. Weren't we good enough friends? I'm her cousin for fuck's sake. Gosh, the disrespect.

Anyway, OMG Dawon said something today that literally set my heart on fire. So we were watching Y/N and I must say, she really did seem to be looking at him like Cupid shot her with an arrow. Then Dawon... she said that it's the same way Hobi looks at me. AT ME!! Do you know what this means? My dreams are coming true!!! I can't believe it ♥

...But I don't want to believe it just yet. What if Dawon realised I like him, and only said that to tease me? What if Hobi doesn't like me? My heart is going to burst.

Physics was so awkward today. Hobi kept avoiding eye contact and it really broke my heart. He was turning red so fast whenever I asked him something, it was probably because he was nervous and didn't want to humiliate me any more than I have myself. OOF I can't think right now. I was being sooo awkward it was embarrassing! He prob thinks I don't like him back BUT I REALLY DO I just want HIM to be the one to confess. I'm so broken...

I must go now, I have physics homework which I HAVE NO IDEA HOW TO WORK OUT because I was literally not paying any attention. I don't even care though. Looking at my Hobi's face was much better than learning about Kinetic Energy.




You head out

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You head out. I hope Jungkook isn't there. If this is a setup, I'm not talking to her again.

You arrive at the coffee shop to be welcomed with the relaxing scent of freshly brewed coffee, instantly feeling a hundred times better. A wave of nostalgia hits you as you remember all the memories you made with your friends in this coffee shop.

"Y/N!" Dawon waves at you. You wave back and sit across from her.

"Hey Dawon. I'm sorry I was being such a bitch. I thought Jungkook would be here too."

"It's okay, I kind of guessed, don't worry."

You order a caramel macchiato and you realise you've missed your best friend. Dawon has known you since you were four and you've always been inseparable. You start feeling guilty for neglecting your friends.

"Y/N, you okay?" Her familiar voice shakes you out of your pity, and she smiles fondly at you.

You hum and nod your head in response, returning the smile.

"So... How have you been? How's... Taehyung?"

"I-I've been... good. TaeTae- I mean Taehyung... is o-okay, I guess." You feel a wave of heat rush through your body, not really sure why you're finding it so hard to answer. She's your best friend, after all. You've never kept anything from each other.

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