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Shrek's POV
I let out a mighty roar as I yawned in my favourite chair. The old springs creaked as my fat ass sunk into it's cushions more and more. It was quiet - as usual. Yesterday I had drawn off a group of village fools trying to kill me, so I doubted anyone would try again for a while. I usually preferred my solitude, but today felt lonely, like something was missing. I just couldn't put my finger on it, so I put my finger up my dick hole instead.

The elating feeling rushed through my body like a stream of maggot-filled mud. Why was this the only way I could feel pleasure? Well, apart from thinking of the hot sex he had with Fiona a few years ago, but those days were over now.

Ash's POV
Lost. I was lost. All I wanted was to catch the legendary Pokémon that the townspeople had been talking about. Apparently, the Pokémon was called Shrek, but there were no Shreks around here. Just bugs, and lots of them.
"Maybe Shrek lives in a different swamp?" I thought. It was possible, but the townspeople had no reason to lie to an innocent child such as myself.

Then I saw movement in the bushes. Could it be Shrek? I could barely contain my excitement so I immediately sent out Pikachu to battle.
"Pikachu, thunderbolt!" A strike of electrifying yellow light crashed onto the bush. Sparks flew up and smoke clouded my vision. Then I heard a voice from the other side of the smokey cloak.
"Ah shit, man," said a raspy, ghetto voice. A small, four-legged creature emerged from the smoked. Without hesitation, I threw a pokéball straight at its head.
"Fuck! 'Dat you Shrek?" It said. Now I could see that it was a kind of mule-like Pokémon, probably not very powerful, but I needed to fill my Pokédex for Professor Harold.

I knew something was off when the creature wasn't sucked into the pokéball. Also it could talk, but I'd been dealing with Meowth for years so a talking Pokémon wasn't very surprising.
"Ay, you ain't Shrek" the mule said.
"And stop callin' me a mule. I'm a donkey!"
The word 'Shrek' set off alarms. This donkey knew Shrek - and possibly where he was hiding. Now was my chance to gather more information.

Shrek's POV
The pleasure had left and I was alone once again. Overcome by boredom, I decided to take a mudbath in the swamp. Bubbles rose up and the popping sensation tingled. Ah, it felt great. I could truly relax. Well at least I thought I could.

I was starting to scrub myself when I heard the familiar voice of an old friend. An annoying old friend. Running over the hills in the distance was my partner in crime, Donkey, along with...

... A human?

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