Chapter 1| Orientation

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the blue coated lump in the bed extended his arm to reach the alarm clock.  He hit the off button and picked up his phone.

"oh shit..." he mumbled as he looked at the date. A younger girl walked in.

"get up  Dewey",the girl said. Dewey pushed the blanket off him, revealing his bare chest to the girl. "you mind getting out Webby?" Dewey asked.

Webby immediately started talking, ignoring his request,"no. it's orientation Dewey! you're going to love it at this school."

Dewey nodded, pretending to listen, as he pulled his sweater over his head. he grabbed a notebook from his desk and put it in his computer bag, followed by his computer.

"HURRY UP BEFORE UNCLE DONALD LEAVES,DEUTERONOMY", Huey (the oldest triplet) shouted from downstairs. Dewey shook his head.

"cmon Webby, time to see how amazing this school is.",Dewey says.


I closed my locker, bored out of my mind. Math was my next class and i wasnt happy. As i was getting ready to leavea familiar bow popped up.

Sorry this is short, but whatever. feel free to leave requests

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