In Prep for homecoming

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Webby POV

it's been two weeks since the temple...

and Dewey is beginging to go silent, hell he doesn't even like the plane (which he loved btw). All he does is strum his guitar in his room, so i think it's over.

i wandered the empty halls of the manor, louie and huey were on a trip, and lena didn't really want to talk to me, seeing as how i spoiled her secret.

i heard some melodic notes coming from dewey's room, then he mumbled some soft words, and i could only make out "romantic" from the closed door. i softly knocked, then opened the door.

"dewey...", i said. he was still shirtless, so he had just woke up, and his pale blonde hair shone in the light. he turned around, and i realized i hadn't seen him like this before, his eyes had bags under them, he looked like a mess, his brown eyes stared at me, breaking my heart.

"dew... have you been sleeping, at all? you- you look horrible.",my mind blurted out.

"i'm fine", he said, but he kept staring at me. i sat next to him, and we stared out the window in silence, until he picked up his guitar.

*play song*

"my mother said i'm to romantic...she said i'm dancing in the movies", he said. he continued singing with a soft somberness in his voice, and tears in my eyes. by the time he hit the chorus i buried my head into his bare shoulder.

i loved him...

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