Chapter 14

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Webby POV

Lena  came in through the window when I got home. 

"Hey Webby", she said when she saw me laying on my bed. I glanced at her and waved.

"Hey", I said. She sat down next to me.

"So, how are you doing?", Lena asked.

I shrugged and said," I got a boyfriend now, that's about all that happened. ". She sat up.

"Why wasn't I told about your boyfriend! Am I going to meet him?", she asked. I sighed.

"You already have met him. ",I said. Then she looked at me.

"No. Don't tell me it's one of the triplets.", she said.

I slowly nodded. "WHAT THE H-"


Hope you enjoy the speed chapter! If you like teen titans, check out the fanfic I have on them.

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