I Want

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All of us go home tired to get ready for work which wasn't for a while but the boys wanted naps. Everyone went to their room except Harry and I instead we go out side with a blanket and look up at the sky. It was rare to see it being so clear out.  I lay next to Harry my eyes closed. I was extremely tired but I didn't want to loose anytime with him.

"Take a nap dear." He brings me in closer to him so my head is on his chest. I look up at him and he kisses my head. I close me eyes again but I refused to go to sleep.

"Beth go to sleep." he rubs my back and I smile as he does so.

"Nope." I mumble and yawn.

"Fine then I will just sing you to sleep." I smile as Harry starts to sing to me.

"And let's pretend that we're here

In a space where trouble doesn't exist.

And that our time

will last forever

and we can just sleep together.

Let us fall into each other

let us dream of shooting stars.

Lets us breath in one another

let us share another song."

Tears prick my eye from how sweet he was being. i lay still while he sang to me not wanting to miss any moments. I smile into his chest and his singing grows softer and softer till he falls asleep himself. I fall asleep with him.


"Beth watch out!" I wake up very suddenly to Harry hovering over my he was dripping wet with water. My eyes were wide as I look around to see what was going on. Behind Harry was Louis and Liam with buckets of water.

"Wait ,Harry where are Zayn and Niall?" As if on cue Water is splashed oh Harry twice more only getting my legs wet. I smile as it looks like all the buckets were useless now and I quickly kiss Harry and crawl out from under him. I run past the guys who flick water and me and into the house. I run up to my room and take a shower. In the shower I start to hum to myself.

Once my hair was dried and curled I pull on shorts and an "I <3 Zayn Malik" shirt. It was of course a present from Zayn. All the boys thought it would be funny to buy me one. I look at the clock it read 8:59. I decided One of the guys might want to help me buy some dinner real fast before work but when I go downstairs the house was empty just my Mum was down stair doing the dishes.

"Do you know where they went?" I ask looking outside.

"Nope." My mum had her eyebrows raised like she did when she was lying but I didn't press on it.

"Okay well I'm going to go stop by Nando's for some dinner." I start to walk out.

'Wait just a second." She raised her voice and I knew I was in trouble. "Why didn't you tell me you and Harry were dating."

"Well we just started dating this morning." I think back on how far this morning was. It seemed like ages ago to think that their charity concert was only this morning.

"Oh really? I swore it was longer. But umm never mind then  was going to give you this huge lecture. carry on love." She smiles at me then heads up stairs. I grab the keys to my van and pick up Nandos. I didn't eat any I was saving it for Niall's. I show up at work early and I sulk around. My life turned out to be extremely boring without the guys or Danielle.  I end up at a beautifully marked fountain with mermaids and people threw coins and such in there. The employee of the month always gets to keep the change in the fountain. I have never been employee of the moth. But I never really cared. I stay at the fountain and wait it for who knows how long I end up as usual late for work.

"Miss goody goody made it." Kassandra was already in her full costume and came up to me as I was changing.

"Put a pop in it." I scowl as I put a huge orange flower in my hair. The changed the costumes so instead of the cheap shiny material we usually used, we had fake silk that was extremely flowy in water and BIkini's made out of fake flowers. I swim out to the rock a bit early bored. I beat everyone though and I was the one that got to test out the Microphone. I sung Cry Me A River which is my favorite song in the entire world.

Kassandra joins me on the rock giving me a dirty look, "Whore." She mutters under her breath loud enough for me to hear.

I start to pretend to cough, "Hob knocker" I smile to the crowds general direction even though they couldn't see us.

"We are about to start our show. We have special guests tonight." The announcer says and things finally click into place for me. Instead of smiling when the curtain lifted  I was scowling at the Pirate ship where there were five very attractive boys all dressed up as Pirates.  Harry was the lead pirate that ment when he jumps in the water I'd be jumping in with him.

I start to sing my part that mixed along with the boys. Kassandra sung at some parts to but nobody really listened or cared.

When Harry jumps in the water I gladly jump off with him and I smile meeting him under water. we go to a tube feeding oxygen and I share mine with him. He leans in to kiss me but I shake my head and point at a camera that was showing what we did to the audience. Harry ignores me and kisses me under water. I was blushing and I knew I was blushing on camera. It didn't matter though as long as Harry was with me.

Once the show ended we were all extremely wet and Happy. Except for Zayn who didn't know how to swim so he wasn't wet at all. One we all changed into normal clothes we decide to go to the closest fast food restaurant. Mc Donald's. Niall already ate the nandos I left in the van for him even if it was a bit cold. But we were the only ones in the eating place. the guy running it seemed very bored with us being there but we had a blast eating as much as we could. We were all extremely hungry after performing. Niall ate the most even with the nandos.

Once home the rest of the guys go to bed. Harry and I walk out to the trampoline and he helps me onto it and we jump around for a bit until we both collapse into each other. Breathing hard and laughing we lay there.

"Today has been a very long day." I say smiling.

"But one of the best days of my life. Beth you make me so happy." He strokes my hair and brushes it out of my face.

"You make me happy to. you made me happy before we dated!" I hold onto his hand and look up at the cloudy night sky.

"Beth I'm glad." Harry says and looks up at the stars with me. We don't say anything. We didn't need to, I felt happy and clam next to him on the trampoline. A light in the house goes on. It belonged to the room Liam was staying in. It reminded me of Liam. I reminded me of what his feelings were or what they are.

~~Yay a short chapter :) So how you you like Harry and Beth? I like them alot :) And if you want imagines or short stories then MESSAGE me I would love to write one for you loves. LotsOfLove Adani~~

*So umm This story should really be rated PG but I rated it PG-13 because of cussing.

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