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It's been two weeks since Gregory sent the flowers. It was also mine and Harry's first month anniversary. He was busy at a fan signing right now, so I was stuck at home in my pajamas watching my shows. Its been a month since I have watched them.

"But Adani I love you." Fernando says the tears gleaming in his eyes.

"Adani! Go back with him you bitch! He loves you! It was Sarah who kissed him! He never meant to kiss her he loves you! I mean I get that she was your best fried and all. But their feeling for each other were a mistake!" I hit the side of my couch yelling. No one was in the house so I was safe to yell as loud as I want.

"You hurt me Fernando. I can never forgive you!" Adani climbs the stairs to her fathers private jet. I jump up off the couch my sunggie hanging limply at my arms.

"No! No! You two were perfect! Ugh! Why Adani! You are an awful excuse for a person! You should die! Or have a dog eat your first born child! Grrrrr!" I kick the side of the couch with my foot banging my toe. "Grrrrrr!"

"Woah! You sound just like Liam." I freeze and slowly turn around. When I fully turn around I see the boys. They all were staring at me. Harry was laughing into Liam's shoulder. Liam was laughing out loud. Niall was the one who spoke.

"How much of that did you guys see." I throw my snuggie on the ground and shove it under the couch with my foot.

"Oh Fernando! How I love you so much!" Zayn mimics my voice and pretends to make a kissy face at Louis.

"Damn it! Can't you guys not notice me when I'm weird! Ugh!" I throw my hands in the air turning off the t.v.

"Then you wouldn't be our little Beth!" Louis walks past me rubbing my head with his hand.

"Go suck one." I mutter under my breath. Louis laughs walking away into the kitchen.

"Is this all you have been doing Bethany?" Liam says.

"No!" Truth be told. It was time escapes me when I watch my shows! "Well at least you and my mum can talk about it now." Liam joins Niall, Zayn and Louis in the kitchen. His mom and I watch the same shows and we have fan girled so much over it that we use to email each other about the episodes.

"You are too cute Bethy." Harry comes towards me and gives me a kiss. "Happy one month. You make me so happy."

I give him another kiss, "You make me so happy too." We start to kiss again savoring each one.

"Ew! Get a room!" Louis comes out of the kitchen holding a package of lunch meat, spray cheese and crackers. Liam follows him with popcorn and Niall come's out with a plate of chicken, left over spaghetti from last night, two mini cucumbers, and three pigs in a blankets. Zayn comes out last with an apple.

"Geez you guys act as if I starve you." I look over at them still holding Harry's hands.

"You do!" Niall says with a mouth full of chicken.

"Niall mouth please!" Liam slaps him upside the head.

Harry laughs besides me. I look up at him and he gives me another kiss "What did I just say!" Louis says pointing at us.

"Fine!" Harry takes my hand and we go to the kitchen. I sit on the counter while he pulls out two beers and we cheer.

"Happy one month yet again!" He says and we clink our glasses.

I take a small sip of mine. I didn't like the taste but I wasn't going to waste it. I smile at Harry and he sets his drink down and puts his hands on my hips.

"So what do you want to do tonight."

"Whatever you want to do tonight." I smile giving him a wink.

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