Chapter 9

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I was inside, at last.  I found my mom, and she looked happy to see me, and also a little upset.

            “What,” I said angrily.  “Why are you upset.”

            “You… just… seem…worse than I wanted.”

            I got on all fours and slinked up to her, like a jaguar on a hunt.  My mother seemed very surprised at how badly I was acting. 

            “I thought that this was how you wanted me to act.”

            “No actually I thought that you would be a little nicer than you are now.  I guess that that isn’t the case.”

            I pounced at her.  She didn’t move in time.  She actually didn’t move at all.  I was on top of her instantaneously.  Startled, she tried to get out from under me.  I was too strong.

            “I’m guessing that I’m not the daughter that you wanted.  I better just run away and do worse things than you.”

            She put her hand on my shoulder.  I tried to get it off, but that wasn’t working.  I felt drowsy.  I looked down at myself.  I was becoming paler.  Mother looked like she was on the verge of death.  I felt healthier.  Her hand was… glued to my shoulder!  I also felt weaker.  After about seven seconds longer, she let go.  I wasn’t evil anymore.  But the problem was-my Mom’s evilness had gone way past its limit.  She seemed really weak.

            Suddenly, her eyes opened, and they were yellow-way different than her typical blue-purple.  Her teeth sharpened.  She started getting hairy, which was really gross.  Then, she was a wolf for some reason.  I guess that it was all of the badness inside of her, building up?  I decided that this wasn’t good, so I made sure that my wings were completely-wait-they weren’t even there!

            That second, I remembered about the warning that Dad had given me.  “If you look into her eyes, she gains some of your powers”.  I think that she chose the wings and the animal-morphing.  Well-probably just the wolf.  So, I turned into something smaller, but can cause some major damage.  I chose an armadillo, and I used some more of my powers to make spikes on my shell.

            She pounced on me and hurt her “hands”.  She whimpered, and then changed back to normal.  She looked at me, I could tell, and I changed back to normal.  Her face looked sunken, and I still didn’t look at her eyes.  She also looked less evil as she was looking at her blood-soaked hands.

            Then, she laid on the ground and wept.  I didn’t know if it was because of her hands or what, but I was scared.  I rushed downstairs and got some gauze.  I didn’t know any first aid so I just took an ace bandage and wrapped her hand with it (with the gauze in it of course).

            Suddenly, Sprite flew in through the window.  Dad followed, and then all of my brothers and sisters.  All of them had worried expressions as they looked at Mother, lying hurt on the ground.  They all thought it was my fault-well, it actually kind of was, but I didn’t mean to.  It was all for self-defense.

            I think that everyone thought that I was still evil because when I stood up, they all backed away slowly.  “I’m not evil anymore,” I said.  “Mom took the evilness from me.  I promise.  Please trust me.”

            They still looked at me like I was crazy.  But, then they realized that my hair was looking like it did before I turned bad.  But they were probably thinking that I did that to trick them and that I was going to make them turn evil.  They trusted Mom, and not me.  They helped pick her up, and she growled at them.  Dad and the rest immediately dropped her, with a thud.

            Then, they knew that I could be trusted.

            “Come on, let’s get away from this woman,” Sprite said to me.

            “I can’t,” I said.

            “Why not?” Dad asked.  “Are you actually lying to us that you’re nice, and not evil?”

            “No, she took my wings from me!”

            “Oh really?”

            “Yes, really.  Please, why don’t you trust your own daughter?”

            “Because, I don’t want us to get hurt.”

            “Oh, so you only want to save yourselves, and not me?  You selfish little brats!” I yelled.  Then, I ran away and told them not to follow me.

            Of course, they followed.

            “STOP FOLLOWING ME!! You don’t even care about me!!” I screamed.

            “No, we aren’t going to leave you,” Sprite called.

            “Yes, you leave me alone because why would you care?  I’m just a stupid idiot that no one trusts.  Not even her own father.”

            I ran off crying.  Out into the middle of nowhere.  Where no one could find me.

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