Thank You (this is actually a chapter)

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Things to know:
Y/N (your name)
M/N (middle name)
L/N (last name)
N/N (nickname)
P/N (pet name)
F/C (Favourite colour)
F/N (Friend's name)
E/C (Eye colour)


The next few days were lonely since Zane returned to work. I was constantly worrying about him reopening his wounds. I knew that Zane promised to be careful, but anything could happen. I stared at my phone, just waiting. Zane promised to call during his lunch break and let me know how he was doing.

(A/N: Everything past this point was written February 18th, 2020. So it's been almost two years since I've touched this book. Sorry about that! Also, sorry for the change in writing style.)

Just then, the sound of my phone ringing interrupted my thoughts, making me jump. I looked over to it and picked it up from the table. I answered it, bringing the phone up to my ear.

"Y/N?" The sound of Zane's smooth voice immediately made me calm.


"It's my lunch break and I promised to call and update you. I am."

"And?" I could feel my anxiety crawling into my throat again.

"I'm fine. No wounds reopened and I'm taking it slow." With that, I felt my anxiety flow out of my body in the form of a sigh.

"That's good. How do you feel?"

"Good. Hey, Y/N, do you mind if I stay at your house again tonight? I'm sure my house is a mess and if I go home to it, I'd be tempted to clean it."

"Yeah, that's fine." I said quickly.

"Thanks. I have to get back to work, but I'll let you know when I'm heading back to your place."

"Alright. Don't push yourself too hard."

"I won't. See you later." With that, the call ended and I was left alone to my thoughts. I sighed and stood up from the chair I was sitting at, my gaze wandering into my backyard.

"I guess I should find something to do." I said aloud as I stood. I wandered over to my bedroom, sitting down at my desk and turning on my computer. As soon as I sat down, I realized that a job would probably be the best way to cure my boredom and potential expenses.

I opened a new tab and googled job openings near me. This was probably the best place to start, and if I don't find anything that works, I can always walk around the area looking for places hiring. There's always somewhere hiring, right?

I spent the next few hours browsing jobs online and trying to work on my resume, which I hadn't touched since college. Turns out, I did a lot in high school. A lot more than I thought. I had a few hours of community service logged and was a fairly good student. Whatever I was doing, it got me into a decent college. I turned in my swivel chair to look at the degree on my wall. It wasn't much, but it was what I could do a few years ago. I sighed softly and turned back to my computer. There weren't many job listings available, but I wrote down the ones that caught my eye.

Turns out, job hunting takes a long time. By the time my eyes were starting to droop, it was already 7pm. I stood up and stretched, my stomach growling as I stretched. I walked into my kitchen and opened the fridge, searching for something to eat. Before I could find anything, I heard my doorbell ring. I quickly shut the fridge and walked over, opening the door to see Zane.

"Zane, hey! How was work?"

"It's was good. I'm glad I could get back to work. I think if I stayed out much longer, I would've been too behind on work to catch up."

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