Chapter 5: The Dragon

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Leo's POV

"Well. I guess he wasn't lying." I said out loud, as a flying beast flew above me. "He was right."

"Leo! Help us! THERE ACTUALLY IS A FREAKING DRAGON!" Corrin screamed at me at the top of her lungs.

"Shh! You'll attract it here!" I whispered. "It will kill us all if we just randomly start yelling like crazy people!"

"Too late." Takumi sighed, as the dragon soared down into the garden we were in. It crushed almost all of the plants. We just stood there in the clearing, staring into the large eyes of the dragon.

"Maybe it can talk?..." Corrin suggested. But it just let out a ferocious growl. "Okay, never mind."

"What did you think, you idiot?" Takumi hissed.

"What? I can talk, even while I'm a- Why didn't I just do that before?" Corrin slapped her forehead and held out her Dragonstone. Her body morphed into the body of a dragon. "See? I can talk!"

"Yeah, yeah, but that's because you know how to talk." I sighed. "Now, let's kill that thing before it kills us." I started to enchant a spell, but then the dragon breathed fire. Luckily I used a water spell to put the fire out.

"Ugh. It almost set the whole place on fire." Takumi groaned, and he pulled out his Fujin Yumi. Corrin pulled out her Yato when she turned back to normal. I pulled out Brynhildr.

"Umm... Corrin? Don't you think that it would be more useful if you were a dragon? You know how to speak dragon." I sighed.

"I can speak dragon as a human too!" Corrin whined. Then she started saying a bunch of incoherent words. "See?"

"I don't even know if you actually spoke dragon. To me, all it sounded like was a whole bunch of mumbling." I slapped my forehead.

"C'mon idiots. We need to get rid of this dragon. Stop fooling around." Takumi shot an arrow into the dragon's shoulder before it swiped its claw at them.. "You don't want to die, do you?"

"Oh c'mon Takumi. You were the one who got us into this mess. Cut us some slack." Corrin grinned, stabbing the dragon in the foot. "But you're right."

"Yeah, heck I'm right." Takumi sighed, dodging another fire beam from the dragon's mouth. "Now, let's find a weak point on that dragon!"

"Okay... So what is interesting on that dragon?" I asked. The dragon was big and scaly. It had black scales. Its eyes were yellow, while in the center of its chest was a large blue gem with gold swirls around it.

"Hey! What about the gem? I mean, it's kind of video game cliché, but it's worth a shot." I nodded. Takumi aimed and fired at the gem. Bulls eye! He hit straight in the middle!

"Nice!" I yelled. The dragon recoiled trying to change strategy. "I think that did the trick."

"Good. It has a weak spot. Now we can kill it." Takumi pumped his fist in the air.

"Wait!- Do we really want to kill it?" Corrin the pacifist asked.

"Yes. It's trying to kill us. So we kill it." I concluded.

"Okay, maybe it's not as straightforward as that, but Leo's description pretty much sums it up." Takumi sighed. "I know what you're going to say. You're going to say that there's probably a way besides killing it. I don't think that we should risk it. It could kill us almost instantly. If we even get hit by only one beam, we'd instantly die. We don't even know everything it can do." Almost as if the dragon wanted to prove Takumi right, he shot a beam of water at Corrin.

"Woah!" Corrin yelled, dodging. "He almost hit me with that beam of water!"

"Yeah! That could have drowned you. Actually... if you did die, there's no loss there..." I trailed off as Corrin looked at me with rage in her eyes.

"You should apologize!" Takumi shouted at me.

"Just wait." I smirked.

"JUST YOU WAIT, LEO! I'LL PROVE TO YOU MY WORTH BY SHATTERING THAT WHOLE GEM!" Corrin transformed into a dragon. "JUST WATCH ME!" And with that, Corrin clawed at the dragon's gem and tore it clean off. The dragon screeched in pain. "You see, Corrin gets offended easily, so why not use her rage?" I asked Takumi.

"That's... actually pretty smart. I can't believe I didn't think of that before.

"SEE, LEO?" Corrin screeched. But there was something that wasn't right about it.

"I think something happened..." Takumi trailed off as Corrin tried to stomp on him. "Corrin?"

"LEO NEEDS TO DIE!!!!!!!!!" Corrin the dragon screamed. "I'M GOING TO BURN HIM TO CINDERS FOR INSULTING ME!!!"

"Uhh... Corrin? Maybe that's a bit harsh for a punishment." Takumi suggested. But then we both noticed Corrin's scales started to turn black... Then we understood.

Like the other dragon... She was becoming corrupted.

I hope you liked this chapter!

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