Explanation of Author and Notes

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A/N: Story explanation time kukuku

And for most of those years, I was the only one in this world who heard her silent screams.

Explanation: People with brain tumors tend to forget about things, Hoseok can only make memories when the MC's brain is functioning - or if MC's memory did not disappear.

+Hoseok is asleep when MC's brain tumor kicks in. Means, Half of Hoseok's memories are half of the MC's, since he lived his life inside of her mind.

Why half of Hoseok's memories are half of MC's?

From the moment MC created Hoseok, Hoseok has been a part of her life force. When inside her mind, he only takes 1% of her life force, reducing 1 years each six years. But when MC held Hoseok in the right time and the right place, destiny brought Hoseok to life, which took her 40% life force, degrading her life by 2 years each year. (Lets not do math here..) and when they kissed, MC gave Hoseok her every ounce of life force. And it means, MC will live inside him as his life force, they kind of transferred - Hoseok lives, MC dies. Mc lives, Hoseok dies - MC's life force returns to 80 years life span.

If you have time in creating this story for a year, will you add some kind of plot twist in it?

The plotwist I was planning last year was when MC had severe brain tumor and forgot about Hoseok, but yeah .__. Time is gold..

-If Hoseok is forgotten, Hoseok's existence will be erased and he will live either in the subconcious mind or just vanish. In the plot twists, he'll live in the subconcious mind and MC will feel like somewhat there was something wrong and yeah, you know what happens after that. I shouldnt be telling you this.

.......okay. But the story ended so the major plot twist is a bye bye, since the starter plot twist (MC got brain tumor) is kind of epic and what I mean is, forget about this major plot twist since its never gonna happen anymore.

Namjoon's partner: Dail Bella
-Older than Namjoonie by a year
-Y'all his story could get nasty cause its mystery and horror

Seokjin's partner: Tejil Kim
-A chic excellent knight wherein Seokjin is rapunzel :')
-Full name is Teakyoko Jilanne Kim. ('THEA-KYOKO')

(I know, those two names are so beautiful why havnt I put that instead but guess what, my fave drink is TEAkyoko.)

Yoongi's partner: Luna Yuu (we all know her now dont we?)
-Has lots of lots of drama in her life *scratching that part up*
-the most loyal person you'll ever see.
-8th member of BTS

Jhope's partner: .......Ill give her a Japanese name so..
Skipping this part....

Jimin's partner: Charmila Jung
-Chubs is her nickname
-a fluff story

Taehyung's partner: Maemi Zelli
-Saved V's life 5 times (an example is when Taehyung burned her house cuz he was trying to cook her something)

Jungkook's partner: Angena Lyn
-Jungkook is a baby in this story
-The plot is about Jungkook's story

About Namjoon's story that is upnext, Im thinking of publishing it when Ive reached 20 chapters that will take long, so I hope you all dont forget I exist xD

And Namjoon's partner is named after DaleBenene because she's always supporting my books, she's really a good and funny friend, her comments always makes me laugh because *lenny face*

The story's title would be: The Blue Whale Challenge. Have you heard about that challenge? If no, then go and search it up, just dont dive in deep web.

(Deep web - contains information that the government chose to secure/hide from us because those who 'dives' in it will be tracked down. Scary I know, so dont you guys there, y'all are important to me,)

Here is the story overview that I have in my mind:

A group of friends entered Dail Bella in the Blue Whale Challenge, and encountered Namjoon who she was tasked to kill at the end in exchange of her own life.

That's the story :) I might have a better idea before I make it, so dont forget I exist xD

Namjoon's door color: Violet/Purple
Jin's door color: Orange
Yoongi's door color: Pink
Hobi's door color: Green
Jimin's door color: Blue
Taehyung's door color: Red
Jungkook's door color: Gold

[If you've noticed.. their door colors are the same colors as they wore on the 4th muster ;) ]

The individual books of each members are series.

For example is this book,
Info of this book:
-green door
-Title: She Built A Friend
-FF series no. 2

(Series no. 1 is Yoongi's)

About Yoongi's book:
-The title has been changed into: Counting Stars By The Cliff (its still an 8th member story)
-For new readers: It has different routes but Yoongi had it special.

Upnext is Namjoon's or anyone actually but I dont see myself publishing Jimin's and Jin's soon. Maybe Tae's, JK's or NJ's so yeah ._.

Question: Why did you create a SHORT dramatic story?

-I see the caps SHORT, so why short? Because Yoongi's story was (so) long that everyone got tired reading it :(

~Yes, that one was true, though it was just 32 chaptes (including epilogue) + chapters of everyone's route. I noticed that my readers who have commented on the early 'stages' were now gone and they stopped reading it :(

||So Im really thankful for those who stayed||

Are you a Girl or boy?
A poTaTo.

Kidding, Im a girl.

What is your age?

..what? Does potatoes age?

I think thats all the common questions you have?

Do you have a question for me? I'll gladly answer it :)

Thank you all for reading this explanation but if you dont get some parts still, just comment and Ill answer (depend if the signal is strong and not acting like a turtle)

Most important question of the year: Whats is written on the paper the MC gave Hoseok?

Answer: It will be discovered in the last book, The End Of Their Dreams. The book is where all of my series' plot has been jungled up and mysteries have sprouted everywhere but please dont expect happy endings :)

See you all in the next books

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