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Hyun ji P.O.V

I'm going crazy......


Think Hyun Ji think..hmm...I DON'T KNOW SOMEONE HEEEEEEEELP ME?!?!?!?

I kept hitting my head over and over again in my room.

I fall flat on my back not knowing what to do even when Namjoon had already instructed me with some piece of paper.

Sigh..there is only one thing I can do..

I went out of my room and went to the entrance of the hospital.

I took a deep breath before going out and I already see chaos outside..

I saw burning trees and the sky was orange..

I thought I was alone because no one was here and suddenly..

OMFG I feel a hand pull my wrist and a guy wearing a black hoodie with ripped geans holding my wrist started running.


We kept running until he stopped..we where outside a building that actually looked ok from the outside not like the other buildings that looked trashy...

He brang me into the place and it was full of injured people.

"Your a doctor right? Can you help them?" the man asked.

"Who are you?" I asked back not answering his question.

"Help them first and I will tell you." He answered.

"Ok but can u get me an first aid and whatever things that you can find please." I requested.

Time skip after all the patients were treated

I was done with everyone when I examined the guy who dragged me to this place.

"Hey why do you look fine." I asked.

"I was born with this handsome looks." He smirked playfully.

"I didn't mean that! I mean why do you look like your not injured.." I blushed abit.

"Sigh.. I just came here a while ago when my friend told me a few assassins came and attacked him and my other friends..but when I reached all of them died but my friend who texted me was almost near to death so I brang him here with a bunch of other injured people and I needed a doctor so I went to the hospi-"

"I asked you why you were not injured didn't ask for the whole story." I said stopping him.

"Never mind...anyway I asked you for your name right what is it."

"I'm Kim Jongdae but my friends called me Chen." He answered

Wait a minute I remember that name..

I came to realize that he was the person who made me lose my appetite that the when I wanted to eat my chocolates and drink my Soju which might be the very last time I could ever eat chocolates and drink alcohol but I didn't get to.

"YOU!?!" I screamed at his face making him close his ears.

"Don't scream at me! gosh she is much more louder than me.." He muttered the last sentence but I managed to hear it.

"Yah you! Your the rude guy yesterday when I went to the convient store right???" I asked seeing if he was that guy.

"I'm guessing your the person who I accidentally bumped my shoulder on." He said.


"Yah how did you wait.. YOU TOOK MY WALLET?!?! WHERE IS IT?!? WHERE IS MY WALLET?!?!?" He asked as he kept shaking me up and down like a rollercoaster (a/n if u know wat I mean😉 only Exo-L will understand)

"Your wallet is...at my house...don't worry." I told him still feeling a bit dizzy .

"Thank god..Anyway doctor Hyun ji what should I call you hmm.. Can I just call you Hyun Ji?" He asked looking at me for permission.

"Call me anything you want Mr Chen."

"Chen would be more appreciated." He said.

"Er..ok..." Was all I said.

Suddenly we heard an explosion outside so we rushed to see what was happening.

And on the sky it said 'important announcement'

And suddenly a voice said :"Everyone in this game will be trapped unless someone brave enough defeat one of 'us' there is no other way."

'But Namjoon never told me about this in the piece of paper...' I thought to myself.

Chen P.O.V

Wtf.. They don't have right to keep our lives here.

"YAH YOU PEOPLE HAVE NO RIGHT TO KEEP US HERE-" I shouted but Hyunji covered my mouth.

"Yah Idiot you will attract attention.." Hyunji whispered in my ear.

But it was too late everyone was already looking at us.

"WHO SAID THAT!!" Said a bratty girl who look like she was still a teenager.

Everyone looked at us. We are so dead..


"RUN!!" Shouted Hyunji.

We ran to were our legs was carrying us to.

Hyunji found a dustbin that we could hide behind.

"were did they go? Find them!!" the bratty girl commended.

she pulled my wrist really tightly until it left marks.

Then she smacked me on my head really hard.

"Yah what was that for??" I asked.

"That's for being an idiot."

Then she hit me again but harder.

"owwwww!" I whisper-shout.

"And that's for being loud. " she scolded.

Hyun ji  P.O.V

After a few hours from people chasing us we found a good spot to hide.

I checked the time on my screen and it's already 9 p.m. in reality.

Tae must be wondering why I haven't came home yet..

"Hyunji ji..." someone called.

"yes?? "  I answered.

Then suddenly I saw my parents..

"Eomma... Appa...... I've missed you..."

Hyun ji saw her parents.


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