XXV. Something's Different...

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**So I said in the last chapter's author notes that Grayson and Niklaus would have a long talk after Grayson got dismissed... That "talk" is just gonna be them fucking... Y'all suffered through 5 chapters of tears, you earned it! ;)**

Ethan and Heather had driven back to the house and gotten clothes for Grayson, Klaus, and themselves. Ethan handed one of Gray's sweatshirts and a pair of black skinny jeans to Klaus before he hopped in the hospital's shower.

He cleaned the blood and sweat off of his body and felt relieved, that this issue was over...

For now at least...

He toweled off and changed quickly, wanting to get back to his boyfriend's recovery room.

Still asleep...

"Don't worry Niklaus, that boy sleeps more than I do..." Ethan whispered and set down Grayson's outfit on the corner of the bed.

"What... ever..."

Grayson flipped over and gave his brother the bird.

"You're feeling better... but a ball of sunshine, you are not." Ethan laughed and Heather kicked him in the calf.

A nurse opened the door and everyone stared at him, "Sorry to interrupt, but Grayson will be released today. His wound has healed... remarkably fast... It's strange but, we're not gonna hold him here if he doesn't need to be here."

Klaus squinted.

Remarkably fast?

He was stabbed...

He looks back over at Grayson and notices that he's laying on his back.


"Thanks doc! Can I go now then?" Grayson asked in a peppy voice.

"There's some paperwork you have to fill out before you leave, but yes. I'll go get it for you now, Mr. Dolan."

"Could you guys leave? I need to change..." Gray smiled slightly.

"You need any help Gray?" Klaus was a little suspicious...

"Nah, thanks though babe!"

Grayson put the necklace that Klaus rescued from the farm house on as the three piled out and waited for Grayson to change.

They came back in after ten minutes and saw him sitting on the bed, waiting for the nurse to come back with the paperwork.

Klaus rubbed Grayson's back on the side of his injury.

Not even a flinch or a wince...

"We'll be outta here soon Gray" Ethan said softly.

The nurse came back with the papers and Grayson filled them out as quickly as he could and gave them back, very eager to get out of that stuffy room. They exited the hospital and drove home.

"The window's still busted I guess... need ta get that fixed." Ethan said to himself.

Grayson held Niklaus' hand and dragged him to his room.

"Are you alright Gray? Does it hurt still?.." Klaus put a hand on Grayson's shirt and lifted it to look at the bandage.

Which wasn't there... and neither was any sign of the stab wound...

"What the fuck..." Klaus mouthed and looked at Grayson's face.

"It healed over night... I checked while I was changing and was freaked the fuck out myself." Grayson explained.

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