XIV. Learning (Ethan)

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**This chapter is going to be an "Ethan" one. He's doing the beginner stuff bc he was just initiated into the coven, unlike Grayson who had the Invocation of Spirit ritual. This chapter has Shay and Heather teaching. Enjoy!**

Ethan, Shay, and Heather walked into E's room. Ethan waved to Grayson as he entered his room with Klaus. Both doors shut and class was in session.

Shay started, "Okay Ethan, we're gonna go through the basics and try to figure out and work on your talent. It might be a little hard at first, but it'll be easier since you were initiated. A solitary has to work a lot harder with this stuff. Alright, lets begin!"

Ethan nodded, "What are we doing first?"

Heather responded, "We're gonna determine which of the five natural elements you associate strongest with, then we can work on your talent"

"I'll give you some examples," Shay spoke, "Heather has telekinetic powers. Her talent is associated with the air element. She's also an empath, she can absorb other's emotions and manipulate them, that is tied more to the spirit element."

Heather five bowls out of her bag and assorted items. She put the bowls in front of Ethan. He watched as she poured water into the first, charcoals into another, sand into the third, salt into a fourth, and she placed an arrow on top of the last bowl.

Ethan understood the concept about all of the bowls except the salt...

"Each bowl represents a natural element. The coals are fire, the water is self explanatory, the sand represents earth, the arrow is for air, and the salt is for spirit." Shay explained.

"Why salt?" 

Heather answered, "We use salt in our rituals as a way to cleanse the area or items. Have you ever taken a bath with salts in it? It's soothing. That's why we use salt for our spirit representation."

Heather finished and winked at Ethan, making him smile and blush.

"Flirt later you two, we have things to do..." Shay smiled

"ᵀʰᵃᵗ ʳʰʸᵐᵉᵈ..." Ethan said softly.

Shay smiled and continued, "Put your hands over the bowls Ethan, try to clear your mind. Focus on your breathing."

Ethan concentrated as hard as possible, but he couldn't do anything... He was starting to get a little upset.

Heather could feel his anger. She stopped him, "Ethan, stop please for a minute. You're stressing me out..."

Ethan put his hands on his knees and looks at Shay and Heather with a defeated look in his eyes.

"I've got an idea Ethan..." Shay started, "I'm going to focus for you..."

"Careful Shay..." Heather said worriedly.

Shay put her hand on Ethan's forehead, her eyes became bloodshot and glowed a light blue. The veins on her arms and face expanded and became noticeable.

"Ethan... put your hands over the bowls..." Shay strained.

Heather put her hand on Shay's back and tried to absorb some of the pain.

Ethan's mind was empty, there was no thoughts or anything...

He put his hands over the bowls and slowly moved the back and forth.

Heather watches the bowls while draining the pain from Shay... it's alot to handle.

Ethan's hand stops over the bowl filled with charcoal and they begin to heat up and turn a slight red color.

"Shay..." Heather paused, "You can let go now..."

Shay took her hand off of Ethan's forehead, her vein receded and her eyes went back to normal. She looks drained... exhausted. She smiles a little and then hold her head in her hands.

"Okay, I'mma take over for you Shay. Go lie down..."

"Congratulations Ethan... you've passed the first grade!" Heather says as Shay leaves Ethan's room, stumbling slightly.

"Before we go on... do you wanna... maybe-"

"Date you? Cause HELL YES!" 

Heather grabs his head and pulls him in for a kiss.

"Wow..." Ethan says.

Heather smiles and begins emptying the bowls and putting the things away. She grabs a candle from her bag and lights it.

"Now that we know you're element is fire, we're gonna figure out your talent. Also, since Shay isn't here, you gotta focus by yourself..." Heather explains

"If you singe my eyebrows off or something... I'll murder you..." Heather says sternly.

Ethan nodded shyly and stared at the lit candle.

"What am I supposed to do?.." Ethan asked.

"Something I guess... Try to make it move maybe?"

Ethan exhaled softly and focused again on the candle. He wanted to make it go further up and burn higher.

He focused and stared at it for a solid 5 minutes.

"Hey Ethan..? Why don't we take a break?" Heather asked.

Ethan sighed, "Alright..."

He blew out the candle swiftly. The smoke rose up fast. Ethan looked back at it. He felt...

A connection...

Ethan put his hand through it and "collected" it in his fist. 


He turned around and wrote

D   A   T   E      M   E

With smoke and blew a smokey heart at her.

"Holy shit that's hot..." Heather said out loud to herself

Ethan brought Heather close to him an started kissing her, surrounding them in smoke. Heather pulled back and coughed in his face and then raised her brows up and down quickly.

Ethan had did it. He got the girl, and he got his powers sorted out.

All downhill from here...

** That's the Ethan chapter guys!! He's got his talent figured out and now he's got his girl! Stay tuned for Klaus' master class with Grayson. I'm excited hahaha! Love you guys!**

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