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I stood up after a minute and turned to face the door. I needed to get to one of the guys bedrooms to find a computer. I reached for the doorhandle but something stopped me, I didn't want to even touch it but I knew I had to. I guess it was the fact that if I go out there I might do that stuff again. I forced myself to walk into that hallway, I heard them all talking about me asking themselves 'what's wrong with her' I turned to the hallway leading to the bedrooms I went in one by one until I got to Wildcats room. His computer was turned on on his desk I went over to it and I looked up any sort of infection that might be causing this behavior. Maybe something in dogs or wolves. All I could find rabies but I don't have rabies even I would know if I have rabies. I looked up all facts about werewolves, when facts pulled up I was shocked, so many facts that I didn't know better I have been living wild ever since I was born and I never suspected all these things that could've happened. One fact that stood out to me was an infection that mentally put your brain in the state of fear caution so when someone or something touches you, you instantly react making yourself extra protective over your wound. I guess that's what happened I felt rage and anger because they wouldn't go away if they would've left me alone maybe, just maybe I wouldn't have reacted like that. All I have to do is wait until my wound heals in order to be less protective and once that happens I'll be able to hug them all without attacking. After a few minutes of looking up fax wildcat came in, "(y/n) are you OK and also why are you in my room?" I did not say a word as I left I didn't want to tell him or anyone I would rather stay away until my wound heals put anyone in danger and so I won't put myself in danger.

Like my last chapter I'm extremely sorry that I stopped writing I have too much to do I have cheer practices and tumbling and also I didn't know my book was getting this popular I will be sure to keep writing this until you have all been satisfied. Once again I am sorry.

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