Chapter Three :The Hike

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            I woke up to find that someone had put me back on the bed. Rin wasn't in the room either. I swung my legs over the side of the bed and I quickly got dressed in a pair of jean shorts and a light blue tank-top. I walked out of the bedroom and into the kitchen that was next to the sitting room area. I saw Rin sitting on a chair by the kitchen window. Carol was busy making breakfast, Jay was helping her. Amy was reading a book at the kitchen table and Kevin was texting someone, probably his family. No one really noticed that I was up until Carol turned around.

"Sora! Good morning!" Carol said cheerfully. I smiled at her.

"Good morning Carol." I said smiling and then I looked at Rin and noticed he was listening to music on his ipod.

"Morning Sora!" Amy said happily as she looked up from her book.

"Morning Amy." I said as I smiled.

"Oh morning Sora." Kevin said not looking up from texting. I smiled.

"Morning Kevin." I said. I looked at Rin again, Amy noticed.

"Don't worry about him; he's in his own world." Amy mouthed to me. I smiled at her.

"Oh Sora can you go get some firewood in the forest? It's best to get it now, because at night you can't see a thing, and we're all going hiking soon." Carol asked me. I looked at her and gave a small smile.

"I'm on it." I said as I walked toward the front door. I was scared to go out by myself, but I couldn't let anyone know that. So I opened the door and walked out and into the forest. The forest looked a lot greener during the day I noticed this as I collected small logs. I felt safe, I didn't think anything would happen because of it being daytime and all.

Suddenly I heard the crying of a little girl. Again I became very fearful. I was too curious, so I walked in the direction the crying was coming from. I reached two bushes and looked at them. The crying was coming from the bushes. Then I saw a girl crouched behind them. She had her face buried in her arms and was weeping softly. I knelt down and reached my hand out toward her. I touched her shoulder. It all happened so fast.

What felt like a memory hit me, but it was a flashback from the girl's life. I saw rocks, a cliff, a forest, a man with brown hair and grey eyes, and the woman, Clarimonde. Then I saw the girl crying as she crawled toward the edge of the cliff, and then a year later when she was walking in the forest and when she was thrown from the cliff. It ended as quickly as it had started and soon I was back in the present.

The girl had stood up, her forehead had a deep wound in it and her blue shirt was ripped, her skirt tattered. Tears had dried on the girl's face. I stared at the thirteen-year-old girl and she stared back at me. Her green eyes matched mine and her brown hair matched mine too. We looked too much alike, but I guess that's common sometimes. But I was still shocked nonetheless.

"Rose." I said as I looked at the young girl.

"Sora, you're in danger!" Rose said as she looked at me.

"I don't understand! What do you mean Rose?" I said as I looked at her. Rose looked around wildly. Then I heard a voice.

"Rose. Rose. Rose." the voice said. I looked around for the source but couldn't find it.

"Oh no! It's not safe here!" Rose said as she looked at me.

"Rose! Rose!" I heard the voice come from right behind me. I looked behind me and let out a scream. I saw Clarimonde standing behind me. Clarimonde started reaching her hand out to me, trying to grab me.

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