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"Ethan, we shouldn't have"

I let out a deep breath as we layed next to each other wrapped in a sheet on the floor in front of the fire place. It was so peaceful but the guilt I felt was so disturbing.

"You keep saying that, but yet you always end up here"

My head snatched towards him as he layed on his back staring off into the fire. I could see the reflections of the flames in his eyes.

As much as I wanted to deny it, he was right. I craved him more than anything. I craved his attention, something I haven't been getting. I craved his touch, and soft words. I craved everything about him.

I felt guilt towards Grayson, but I also felt guilt towards him, because deep down I knew I didn't love him the way I loved Grayson, I just loved the attention. Grayson will always have my heart and apart of it feels so broken knowing this is something I don't think he will ever forgive me of.

I felt his arm wrap around me tightly as he pulled me closer to him and layed a kiss on my shoulder.

"I think I should be going, it's getting late and Grayson's going to be worrying where I'm at"

I stood up putting my clothes back on piece by piece. He just layed there looking up at me with his arm behind his head and the sheet covering his bottom half, but you could still see the start of his v line.

He stayed silent just watching me as I grabbed all my stuff. I took one last look at him and he gave me a small smile before I walked out and headed home.

I knew Grayson would be home waiting for me and I knew he would be wondering where iv been but I wasn't to worried about it. I just knew I made the same mistake twice and it would kill him if he ever found out.

My car came to a stop as I fixed my hair and straightened up ny clothes then headed inside. My eye brows immediately scrunched as I heard a women's voice and Grayson's laugh soon afterwards.

I made my way into the living room and Grayson sat on one side of the couch looking at me in disappointment while my eyes scanned over to the young burnett sitting across from him. She had a tight fitted dress on paired with red heels and lips to match.

"Babe, your home, this is Jessica my new assistant, Jessica this is my beautiful wife Morgan" Grayson said softly as he stood up walking over to me laying a kiss to my lips.

I couldn't really say much because I was confused, so I just smiled and nodded as I planted a seat next to Grayson's spot.

"It's very nice to meet you Mrs. Dolan, he talks about you non stop, and I can see why, you're beautiful"

She reached her hand out to mine and for some reason just knowing the fact that Grayson was open and honest about our marriage to her made a relief come over me.

"Oh thank you, and please call me Morgan" I said softly as I connected my hand with hers.

I could tell she was a little bit younger than us, but trust me looks can be deceiving.

Time went by and Jessica soon left. I felt bad that I misjudged her, but I felt so guilty for what I had done, that apart of me felt like if he was cheating on me then I wouldn't feel as guilty and it would be easier to forgive and forget but Grayson was nothing but faithful to me. He loved me.

And all I did was stab him in the back.

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