The Witness

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Evelyn POV

I packed my backpack after the ending bell rung while Jimin and Jungkook bitched about the homework assignment.

"Yah! Evelyn, you down for a Skype date. For homework that is. Unless you and Jungkook plan to get freaky.", Jimin joked and I couldn't help the slight blush on my cheeks.

"Weren't not doing that hyung. Unless she wants to.", Jungkook suggested wiggling his eyebrows.

"Jungkook you pervert!", I shouted playfully smacking his arm.

"I aim to please.", he shrugged as he threw his head back in laughter.

"Do you need me to walk you home?"

"No I'll be fine today.", I told him.

"Aww you don't want your big and strong boyfriend to walk you home?", Jimin teased.

"He's not my boyfriend."

"I'm not her boyfriend. Yet.", Jungkook grinned before engulfing me in a back hug.

"Kookie.", I giggled trying to pry him off.

"I have to get home guys. See you later.", I waved walking down the hall.

"Don't forget about our Skype date!", Jungkook's shouted after me.

"It's not a date!"

My feet dragged as I walked my usual route home after school. Looking down at my watch I saw it was only 4:30 and grinned from ear to ear, anxious to get home for our skype call. My happy thoughts were interrupted as the sound of a slight struggle reached my ears. Looking into the wooded area that lead to the river I contemplated whether or not to knock on someone's door for help. I frowned when the noise stopped but continued walking down the sidewalk until someone called for help. The voice was soft but the signal of distress was definitely real. I stepped forward into the trees, silently making my way to the river bank. I scanned my surroundings thoroughly but there was no one in sight. I heard the sound of a shout and dashed towards the water. I halted a gasp that came up my throat as I spotted 2 men fighting. The man in black shoved the older male away as he caught his breath. My eyes locked onto one thing. A mask. One that resembled that of a child's mask but covered his entire face. I remained behind a tree as the two stood having a stare down.

"Who do you work for?", the older male asked as he shook in fear, a small pocket knife in his hand. The masked man pulled a hunting knife from its sheath on his hip watching the older man with his shielded eyes.

"I'm not at liberty to disclose that information.", The masked man replied.

"That's bullshit!", The older man shouted.

"I can truthfully say, Wonho, that it is not bullshit. But I do suggest we make this quick.", The masked man chuckled.

"How do you know my name?", The older man known as Wonho questioned with fear in his eyes.

"Oh I know more than that. I know that you work as a Newspaper writer for the local news. You go out almost every weekend to have drinks with your friends. I also know how you have a wife and young son waiting for you to come home right about now.", The masked man said and my eyes widened.

"What do you want?",

"To spill your blood.", The mask man spat as he dashed towards the other man before embedding his knife in his stomach. Wonho didn't have time to react as the masked man quickly snatched out the knife before slitting his throat. He pushed Wonho's body in the river and watched as his blood tainted the clear water. The masked man knelt down by the water before sliding the knife back in its sheath. A gloved hand reached for the mask before he revealed his face. He was a man with dark empty eyes. A good looking man at that. Seeing how far I was from him, I couldn't really look at his face. I shook the thoughts from my mind as I remembered how he just murdered someone. He cracked his neck and I tore my gaze from him slowly moving away from the tree. I had to get help. Call the police or something. The sound of a twig snapping caused me to gasp and the masked man turned this head in my direction. I took the chance to make a run for it out of the woods and back into the street. My heart raced thinking about what he would do if he caught me. Will he kill me too? I should've went with my first mind and just walked away the first time. I ran as fast as my feet could carry me and I smiled in relief as my house came into view. As I prepared to cross from my neighbor's yard to my own an arm reached out placing a white cloth over my mouth and nose. I began to panic as he shushed my muffled screams. Within a minute I muscles started to relax and my breathing balanced out. My eyes grew heavy when he lowered me to the ground, standing over me with a single finger over his mouth. That was the last thing I saw before blacking out.

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