Crystal and Ratchet spent time together in his Medbay, she helped him out with his procedures as he taught her how to do them. She soon was able to take on small cases, and he believed he taught her almost to be as good as his father.
"Ratchet." Optimus walked into the room.
"Is Crystal busy for the rest of the megacycle?"
"Uh. No?" Ratchet looked up at him curiously, and Crystal turned from finishing her patient.
"Why?" She asked almost harshly, she hated the idea that her day would be wasted with Optimus when she could be with someone she trusts.
"The Wreckers need you with them for their mission."
"Wait. You're letting her go out on the field?!" Ratchet argued in protest.
"Ratchet she's a warrior, she needs to fight, not heal bots," Optimus said flatly, giving him a glare that made Ratchet feel like he was forced into being quiet, "Crystal, What do you say?" Crystal looked at Optimus.
"Where are they going?"
"They're going to go get Tox-n for our scientists to try to make weapons out of."
"The Wreckers are going to be exposed to Tox-n?!" Crystal gaped.
"Yes, they take the jobs no one else has the guts for."
"Then I'm going, to make sure no one gets hurt." Crystal looked up at him with a glare, "And if a single one of them dies on your mission, I'll scrap you."
"And if you die I'm scrapping every single one of them wreckers..." Ratchet muttered out of range for anyone to hear.
"I'll be back after, okay Ratchet?"
"Will you be alright by yourself?" Crystal looked up at him.
"Yeah, as long as you promise you'll be back before the end of the Megacycle."
"I promise." Crystal seemed to glow with determination as she left with Optimus.
"I hope..." Ratchet looked away before he started to think about how he felt.
~Wreckers Base~
"Oh Crystal!" Bulkhead called out to her as she walked in, she had found a comfortable status among the Wreckers since she was the only one who wouldn't complain about their wounds whenever they got back from their missions.
"Hey, Bulkhead!" Crystal waved before she heard laughing from behind her. It was them again.
"Not good enough to even be a medic." A femme known as Firespike laughed behind her, mocking her, "I bet Ratchet dumped her on the spot." Her face instantly got depressed. Those femmes always bullied Crystal whenever she came around the wreckers, but every time...
"Hey! You two keep it shut or I'll shove a grenade down your throats!" Wheeljack shouted in anger, before wrapping a servo around Crystal, "Don't listen to them, I know Optimus gave you the extra job we needed."
"Yeah..." Crystal smiled up at him and headed over to the group of fellow Wreckers. Rocko, Bulkhead, Hound, Toxitron, and Seaspray.
"Glad to have our own ballerina on our team!" Hound joked.
"Pft. This ballerina can make you dance." Crystal grinned, and they all started laughing.
"Alright, let's get going everyone!" The Leader of the Wreckers, she never caught his name, led them all out of the base and out into the open world. Crystal, no matter how often she's seen it, still looked at the world like it was unrecognizable. She looked around, looking over all the dead bodies, Autobots...

Crystal's BackStory
FanficThis is my OC's complete backstory. I will occassionally change and tweak things, but this will be mostly completely the same and always will be. This is my Transformers OC, based in Transformers Prime universe, probably gonna use it for any of my u...