Sibyl's POV

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"So do you wanna be an Avenger?" Fury asked me. I looked at him as if he was crazy. Why would they ask a 15 year old kid to become an avenger. Making a kid fight in wars is just as bad as child abuse.

"Does S.H.I.E.L.D want to have child abuse reports on their hands too? Sending a kid to a battle is sure to be a gem on their files." I didn't mean to be so snarky with him. Director Fury seemed to be a nice man and I didn't want to upset him. I was starting to get afraid that he would yell at me for disrespecting him and S.H.I.E.L.D.

He just nodded, "I see where you're coming from but we wouldn't send you out there. We would have you train until your 18 and old enough to decide if you're willing to or not."

I frowned and thought for a moment. I don't know if I'm willing to fight for something I don't even know about yet. All those attacks in New York have scared me even with them being far away from me. I suddenly remembered my PTSD.

"W-what about my PTSD?"

"Ah yes, that. You will have sessions with a therapist and will have exercises to help you calm it when it acts up."

I chuckled like I was told a bad joke, "No offense but do you not think I've been to sessions and exercises with a therapist?"

"Oh no. I'm quite aware that you have, but have you ever had a sit down with someone else with PTSD?"

I frowned and shook my head.

"That's what I thought. The man that is on your custody papers as your guardian has PTSD. He's very soft spoken and knows not to push people farther than they can go. I think he'll really help you out and if he doesn't you can turn into an animal and roar in my face."

I smiled slightly at the thought of doing that. It would be funny. I raised an eyebrow and held out my hand, "Deal?"

He smirked and shook my hand, "Deal."

We sat in silence for a little bit. I hadn't been sleeping good recently so I started to drift when he spoke up again, "Do you know all of the Avengers?"

I yawned, "Um. Captain America, uh... Iron Man, Thor, Black Widow, and Hawkeye? I don't watch the news or TV enough to really know what's going on right now in the world."

He nods slightly, "Well you're missing Dr. Banner or well you might know him as hulk and other people have joined since those original six. Dr. Banner is the one I gave custody to."

I look at Director Fury, "Does he know he's my adoptive dad?"

"Not yet."

"Oh that's going to be fun. One minute you're an avenger the next you're a dad with a 15 year old kid you've never met or seen before. Congratulations, it a girl! Should we throw pink confetti at him when you tell him?"

Fury snorted at my sarcasm, "No Miss Nighte, we will not be throwing pink confetti at him."

"Bummer, oh well I wouldn't have been able to handle the attention anyway." I mumbled.

"By the way you never answered my question. Do you want to join the Avengers?"

I looked down at my lap and took a second, "I'll train but ask me again when I'm an adult."

Director Fury nodded and we sat in silence for the rest of the ride. I fell asleep again. My head fell forward and if I hadn't been strapped in I would have fallen off my seat. I didn't really dream and if I had I didn't remember it. Its been like that for me for a long time. I'd only remember my weird dreams or nightmares. Mostly my weird dreams.

I woke up to Fury shaking my shoulder a little bit, "Sibyl. Wake up. We'll be landing shortly."

I grumbled and pulled my head up. I shouldn't have slept like that, my neck was now killing me. Rubbing my neck I finally opened my eyes letting them adjust and the cloudy stuff go away. As Fury had said we were starting to land. My nerves hit me like a tidal wave.

"D-director Fury?"


"How-how many p-people are going to be here?"

"Well, we'll be landing on the helicarrier first, so there will be a lot of crew member and agents running around, then after I debrief everyone and let at least Dr. Banner meet you then we'll see about getting everybody down to the Avengers tower. Where there are a lot less people." He seemed to sense my anxiety.

"Oh, o-okay."

"If you want I can have some of my agents take you to a quiet room while I talk to everyone then bring Banner to meet you. Does that sound okay with you?"

I nodded, it sounds amazing but I'll still have to meet the rest of the people here.

The plane finally landed and Director Fury helped me again with the straps again. When we stood up he grabbed his bag and one of my suitcases and started walking off the plane before I had the chance to argue. I had to kind of sprint to catch up and keep up with him. Help! Slow down I have tiny little legs.

He led me off the the runway and into the build, I think I could call it that. As soon as he saw a person he called to them.

"Take her to a private and quiet room that isn't occupied by anyone or anything." Fury handed the man my suitcase he was carrying and then took the one I had from me and handed it to the man as well.

Fury started walking somewhere and spoke into what I assume was a body mic, "Avengers meet me in the conference room. I just got back, I will now explain what's going on."

I was getting bad anxious just hearing him speak.

"Miss? Can you please follow me?" The man holding my suitcases got my attention. I nodded and walked behind him looking at the floor and making sure I didn't bump into him.

We stopped at a door with a small frosted window in it, "This should do. It's an empty room meant for agent to sleep in because we are almost always on the helicarrier, but there are more rooms than agents so there are plenty open rooms."

The agent smiled and took my suitcases in the room, when he came back out I squeaked a small thank you and went into the room and sat down on the bed.

My anxiety was going crazy. I crossed my legs and closed my eyes and focused on my breathing and my heart rate. I needed to calm them down before I accidentally go gorilla. That would make my anxiety even worse.

When I finally got them to calm down I started to hear foot steps coming down the hall and my heart jumped back into my throat, well so much for calming down. The footsteps stopped at my door and the person knocked and waited for my answer. I couldn't seem to get my mouth to form a word.

After a second of waiting I heard Fury's voice as he opened the door, "Miss Nighte, meet Dr. Banner your new guardian."

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