Fury's POV

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"Hey! Look who's back!" Stark threw his hands up in mock surprise.

"Are you going to tell us why they sent you on a mission? Are you allowed to tell us what the mission was for?" Agent Romanoff bombarded me with her questions.

I waited for the rest of the avenger filed into the room before I started talking.

"As you guys know, the council sent me on a mission. I was to adopt and potentially recruit a girl."

"A girl? Adopt? You mean to tell me they are making a kid into a soldier?" Steve interrupted me before I could finish talking. I sent Steve a death glare. I didn't blame him for his question or his anger. Even I doubted the council's decision with Sibyl. Thankfully, my talk with her settled some of my concers.

"If you would let me finish explaining. My assignment was mainly to adopt her, but with training, and when she's older, she'll be a valuable asset in the field."

A soft voice spoke up this time, "S.H.I.E.L.D still wants to send a kid into battle? It doesn't matter what she will be, sending a kid to solve adult matters is still horribly wrong." Everyone was nodding along to what Doctor Banner was saying.

"I agree with you Doctor Banner, but orders are still orders. I was given orders to adopt and potentially recruit her. I've already talked to her about it and she agrees to train until she's eighteen, then she wants me to ask her again. She wants to decide when she knows more about what's going on in the world. I was not allowed to influence her decision in any way, shape, or form. I don't want her joining, but it's still up to her."

Tony was looking at me with a confused look in his eyes, "Okay, we're only talking about her being recruited and not about you adopting her. In fact, you haven't told us anything about her other than the fact that she's a girl."

I nodded. I was trying to tell them, but they kept interrupting. "Her name is Sibyl Iris Nighte. She is fifteen and she was put into the system about a year ago. Since then she has been monitored by S.H.I.E.L.D. "

They collectively frowned.

"Monitored by S.H.I.E.L.D? She is a kid, she can't be dangerous." Thor questioned.

I look at him, "Oh she can be very dangerous, but seeing how she acts, she would never willingly hurt someone."

Wanda looked around with concern, "What is she?"

I took a deep breath and felt a pang in my heart. People were getting scared of her without knowing who she is and how she acts. I guess I didn't really help.

"Don't go judging her before you get to know her."

Sam gave me a withering look, "You literally just told us that she is extremely dangerous."

"I know, and it's the truth too. But I also said that she would never willing hurt someone."

"Enough with the goddammed suspense. What is she?" Stark spat.

"Sibyl is a mutant."

"Mutant?" They all contributed.

"Yes, mutant. A mutant is someone who is born with powers and abilities."

"What's her power?"

"Her power, Romanoff, is transformation. She can willingly turn into any animal she wants. Her power is why she ended up in the system. Sibyl was being abused by her family. Her father went to beat her and her mutant gene activated as a way to protect herself. She turned into a gorilla and knocked her dad out. Her neighbor heard roaring and screaming and called the cops. The cops took her parents to jail and she was put into a foster home. Sibyl's foster parents found out the hard way that she had anxiety and PTSD, when she freaked out on a kid that was picking on her. Thankfully, she didn't hurt him, he ran off as soon as he saw her start to change. After that she was switched to another foster home and hasn't been in one for more than a month or two."

Everyone was quiet, not knowing how to reply. I clocked my eyebrow at them, silently scolding them for judging her too soon.

Agent Romanoff finally breaks the silence, "You had to adopt her, so are you her legal guardian?"

" I'm so glad you asked. My assignment was to represent S.H.I.E.L.D in the adoption process but chose someone specifically to be her guardian. I am far too busy with running the Avengers so I made Doctor Banner her legal guardian."

Silence then the soft voice spoke again with a not-so soft tone, "WHAT?! Why would you make me her guardian I don't know how to take care of a kid!"

"Calm down Banner. Since she has anxiety and PTSD I figured someone saw smoking with experience handling both would be best for her. Also she's fifteen I'm sure she can take care of herself. She'll just need a guiding parents hand every now and then. the others will be helping as well so you won't have to do this alone."

Doctor Banner was still staring at me incredulously, " I'm not the right person for this. You've made a mistake-"

"There was no mistake. I did what I did for a reason. This is an order from me. She needs a gentle guiding hand from someone who might be able to understand what she's going through."

He sighed in defeat and hung his head.

"Doctor Banner, I promised Sibyl that I would bring you to meet her away from a bunch of people." Doctor Banner nodded after few seconds and followed me out of the room.

"Please be very soft spoken with her, she was freaking out enough with just the thought of being on the Helicarrier. Once she's gotten to know you a bit you can take her to meet the rest of them. After that I'll have a jet take all of y'all back to the tower."

Banner nodded as we came to the room she was in. I had the agent who took her to the room tell me which room it was over the ear comms. I knocked on the door before entering, no answer.

When I realized that she probably won't say anything, I open the door, "Miss Nighte, meet Doctor Banner, your new guardian."


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 04, 2019 ⏰

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