Chapter 7- Me

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  "Welcome to the endgame!" yelled the magician who was about to do a risky life taking kind of magic. He asked one of us, the spectators to come to him by climbing those 10-stairs on a big stage. The whole place was like a big hall with the stage and lights at the end and the remaining area was for crowd to sit. There was just one main door for entrance and exits.

   A fat man walked up the stair and marched towards the magician who looked very-magician type because of his clothes and a hat on top of him. Now the ropes were tied to the magicians hand and the magician was placed inside a casket and that casket was placed inside a steel room. Soon the whole steel room was set on fire. The magician was supposed to un tie himself and come out of the death bed. I started looking downside in the hope that there might be a secret door or something and i can see the magician coming out from there. But nothing like that happened.

   By the end of that trick the Magician appeared right behind me and marched towards the stage while getting a thunderous cheer from the crowd. Damn! what a moment it was for a 7 year old me. Even today when I am 25 I still smile brightly on that memory. I thought how ridiculous it was that, the trick which was done by the magician in his final act for the night inspired me and instilled the faith in a 7 year old boy that miracles do happen.

   I was in college when I found myself in a race against time situation, and yes it was really a race against time. I had to finish a project from scratch in 30 mins. And i had no one as my partner as i decided to work on my own. I was nervous but that magician memory some how flashed in front of my eye and the next thing i know was i was filled with positive emotions. It took me 45 mins though to finish my project but in the end i was ranked 3rd for the uniqueness of my project.
My project was robotics. I thought it will be cool. But my actual robot failed half hour before my turn to show my project. But thanks to my good grades and impressions, the teacher gave me additional 15 mins.

   It was at that time that i met you Aneeta, we were so perfect, understood each other, completed each others sentences and everything that a movie type romance has. But then happy days disappeared like a fart in the wind, when 29 March 2017 happened.

   You yelled at me stating I do not understand what you have to go through managing between your family and your love life and your professional life.

   I found it funny still because I was the only one who did. I stayed up late night to talk you out or even on the less suitable times while I was travelling or was sick or both of them sometimes.

   Guess I should not have moved fast forward with our relationship, or you clearly lost your mind back that day as you kicked me right where it hurts the most. Gosh! That kick could have ended the sperm factory(Ps: told you this in chapter 3 remember?)

   You said I don't care about you. And that your family was right. And you went on and on.

I just said "Fuck your family!  Frankly i think all of you are stupid. Can't you see I am just asking you to give me your time as i am adjusting with my time."

"How dare you talk about my family like that!!?" you screamed.

And I showed the "🖕" fuck your family! I screamed.

And Bam! You kicked me on my lion and Oouch! It still hurts.

"I wish you were actually here instead of your photo which is present in my purse hiding behind the protected transparent fiber and was having this convo with you in person where you also speak know..

   With that thought i picked up my bag took a good look at my home and walked away from it to a self finding journey. Because it's time to get the shit back together. And to start that journey let me dial 2222-4444-9999

"Hello Rehab Center?"

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