1- Passion, Love, Lust, and Sex. Sequel.

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I'm giving you what you want, what you guys all begged me for. CHASE'S STORY!!!!

Now, be kind to me and VOTE AND COMMENT!!! VOTE AND COMMENT!!!


Chase's POV.

Her black hair twinkled in the sun as I started at her through the class room window. I knew she wasn't a student here, I had never seen her before. My fascination in her appearance was unexplainable, to most people she would be average looking, normal, but not to me, to me she was better than anyone I had ever been with.

Josh nudged my should, causing me to take my eyes off her to face him, "What?"

Josh smiled, nudging me again, "Don't what me, what you? What are you looking at?"

I didn't want Josh to see her, not if he felt the same pull towards her as I did. It didn't matter that he was going out with my sister, with Ashlyn, I knew how extensive his history was, "Nothing, just day dreaming."

"Well, pay attention, we may actually need this for finals."

I nodded, but my eyes went back to the window, back to her. Only she wasn't there, she wasn't where I had left her.

For an unexplainable reason panic started to rise in my chest, and only started to disperse when I saw her walking down the garden path toward the schools parking lot, toward a shiny candy apple red Mercedes, one that had not been in the lot before today, and if I were to take a lucky guess was her car.

The bell rang, and I scrambled out of me chair hurrying to get out the door, in a pitiful attempt to catch her. Josh was giving me a weird look, so I slowed down and he asked, "You alright, man?"

I nodded hurriedly, no matter how hard I tried not to, but Josh didn't seem to notice, "I'm going to drop by my place for a second, okay, then I might go check on ash?"

Again I just nodded, collecting my things while staring at her, at her head bobbing, disappearing in the trees before reappearing again. I ran out the door, with only a quick, "See ya," toward Josh.

Running to my car, I watched as she climbed into hers. People kept on calling out to me, for all I could say was, "Catch up with you's later."

I slammed the door, putting my car into gear, watching in the rear view mirror as she backed out of her parking space. I only started after her when her car sped past the back of mine. I reversed the car and raced after her, following her where ever she was going.

Raven's POV.

I knew someone was watching me, could feel the eyes burning a hole in the back of my head. I turned my head to look at the culprit, just as he turned his, his friend having drawn his attention away from me.

My watcher had the lightest brown hair I had seen, unique in its own way. His shoulders were masculine, one's to grip onto when you were doing things only the devil would want to know.

I shook me head, trying to banish the picture I had conjured in my head at my own thoughts. I had come here on a mission, one that I was not able to accomplish. When you had a boyfriend that could easily bash you to death, you tried your hardest to please him, but when you don't you know your in for it.

I walked away, back toward my car. My car was my baby, the only one I did love with all my heart. I had picked out the color, had had the number plate customized to say RAVIN. I would cry if some where to kill my baby, but I never let anyone in on that secret, not if it could be used against me.

The bell of the school rang, and I hurried my steps toward the car, not wanting to be seen here. I could feel that someone was following me, and I cursed that I had been seen, I would be punished for it if I couldn't loose him.

I reversed from my parking space, looking in the rear view mirror, then out the front windshield. When I had the all clear, knowing I would hit anyone, I hit my foot to the accelerator, only looking into the mirror once, and seeing something that terrified me.

A black Porsche speeding after me, my watcher behind the wheel.

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