3- Passion, Love, Lust, and Sex

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Ok, this one isn't that late, so I'm not sorry. So remember to vote and comment, or there will be no next chapter



Chase's POV.

I had lost her. I had spent the last three hours following her where-ever she went, but the inevitable had happened, I had run out of gas. It amazes me that she hadn't as well, and by now had gotten to her destination.

I don't know what had possessed me to follow her, I just knew that I had to, no matter the chances. I knew that I would have to go back, I knew that Ashlyn would worry, I had never left her without telling her before. The problem was that I didn't have my phone, I had left it in my locker at school, and I hadn't thought to grab it, only had the need to follow the strange, yet beautiful girl.

I felt connected to her somehow, though, for starters, I didn't even know her name. I couldn't stop thinking about her, and no matter how much I tried, even if I was able to, I couldn't bring myself to just give up, turn around and go home.

I got out of the car, hoping that if someone was to drive passed they would be kind enough to pull over and give me a lift, though the chances were slim.

It had been no more than an hour before the I heard the first car to come in my direction. I stood at the hood of my car, waving my arms, guessing that the guy might stop.

The vehicle was going the other way, but the driver still saw me. The breaks screeched as the driver pulled to a stop. The car was one of the most expensive ones I had heard of, a Buggati Veyron. It was a car that haunted everyone true sport car's fanatic dreams, including my own. It was the car I had dreamed about, and no matter how rich my own parents were, they had never allowed me to have it.

The guy that got out wore a tight black t-shirt, black pants, and black ray-ban sunglasses. Now, I'm not gay, but I can tell a nicely toned man when I see one, and this guy must be a chick-magnet.

He pulled his sunnies down to the brim of his nose, looking at the over them, "You do know, this is a private road."

Whatever I had expected him to say, that was not it, so I sputtered, "Umm, s-s-sorry, I was following this girl, b-but I ran out of gas, a-and lost her," it was the best explanation I could come up with, and beside's it was the truth.

The guy got a speculative look in his eyes, and he nodded, mumbling, "So, it was you," before speaking up and at me, "That stunt almost got both me and her killed, but you look like a nice guy, so I'm going to give you a break, get in."

I had no idea what he was talking about, but I scrambled to the passenger car door, anything to get near the magnificence of the car of my dreams. Once inside, I made myself comfortable in the luxurious leather seat, breathing in the smell of clean and cherished car. I had no time to admire all the gadgets though, because the guy said, "Don't touch anything, this car is worth more than your life," like I didn't already know that, "now, tell me your name."

I mumbled, "Chase."

He nodded, "Ok now Chase, why were you following the girl?"

His question was off topic, but I answered it truthfully anyway, "I don't know, I just saw her and felt a connection, one I have never felt before towards anyone, not even my sister, and I knew I just had to follow, I knew I had to find out what it meant."

The guy was quite for a while then he said, "I felt that once before."

I looked at him in surprise, surprised at how much emotion was in those so few a words, "You did?"

He nodded, "I followed, and ended up with an asshole as a boss, and have her bashed to death right in front of my eyes by him, I had no way to stop it."

I couldn't believe what he was saying, I just started at him. He kept his eyes on the road, but almost as an after thought said, "And, to let you know, My names Derek."

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