6- Passion, Love, Lust, and Sex.

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TaDa!!! The Long awaited next chapter for Passion, Love, Lust, and Sex. Sequel.

I'm sorry this took me literally forever, but I forgot about this story because of my other ones. And I lost my thumb drive so I pretty much lost all the other parts to this story.

I am very sorry, sincerely down to the pit of my stone cold black heart that this took so long.

But, here it is now, and it's better to be late than for it to never come right? So enjoy......



I don't know exactly what the last one was about, but I'm pretty sure it was that Chase and Derek went to save Raven from Brody, but Chase got captured and put in a cell with Raven instead.

They talk and she insults him because he tells her that Derek isn't dead when she thinks otherwise. They resolve the issue and decide to go to sleep, but there is only one bed. Once Raven has drifted to sleep, Chase gets into the bed and Cuddles up with her, which will be bad for him when Raven wakes up.


The Present:

.: Raven's P.O.V:.

I woke up, slowing coming to feel the things surrounding me. I smelled something nice, and could feel something strong wrapped around me. I snugged into the warmness I could feel. I was really comfortable and about to drift back into a peaceful sleep when I felt and heard the warm thing I was snuggling into talk, "Good Morning Beautiful."

My eyes snapped open, and I jolted up right in a sitting position. I looked down at the warm thing that had talked, and saw a strange boy who looked familiar for some reason. It was at that moment that everything from the day before flooded into my mind, and my eyes went wide. I didn't talk to him, the first thing I did was hit him in the face.

He covered his face with his hands, and groaned, "What was that -," I didn't let him finished, only continued my onslaught in getting him out of my bed, by pushing him hard until he ended up on the floor.

I peeked over the side of the bed and looked at him, "Oh, I didn't see you there, are you ok?"I smiled when he glared up at me.

He continued to glare as he stood up, "You know very well I was there."

I sat back on the bed with my legs crossed, "Yep, But you deserved it, I told you not to sleep in my bed."

He shook his head, "There was no-way I was sleeping on the floor, so get over it. And, you said I had to stay to my side of the bed, not that I couldn't sleep on it at all."

I shrugged, "Well, Now your gonna be sleeping on the floor for that stunt you pulled."

"What stunt?"

I looked up at him, "You went over the invisible personal space line, and snuggled with me while I slept."

He smiled, "And It was Good too."

I shook my head at him, "You're a retard."

It was then that we heard the alarms going off, the security ones of course. Well, this is twice in one week. Amazing. Last time the alarms went off, I got this loser chucked in my room. Wonder who the next victim is going to be.

We sat in silence, listening to the sounds of pounding footsteps. It wasn't before there was a banging on the door. I slowly stood from the bed, Chase not far behind me. I peeped cautiously out the small window in the door that allows me to look into the hall.

When I saw who was standing there, I grabbed the bars and jumped up and down like a little kid, "OMG! Derek! Your Alive!!" I Paused and gave him a confused look, "Wait....What are you doing here?'

He smiled at me, "I've come to break you out, why else would I be here?" It was then that i heard a snapping sound and the door stared to fall backwards.

Loud Crash, and then I could look clearly out into the hall way. I smiled and ran to Derek, "I'm so sorry you almost got shot, I thought you were dead."

"Well, no time to dwell on that now, we have to run. Like Now!" We wasted no time in getting out of the cell, and sprinting down the hallway.

When we got outside, immediately we jumped into Derek's Veyron. I was seconds before we were peeling out and onto the dirt road that led us away from the hell hole I had wasted my life in for the last couple of years.

It wasn't until we reached the end of the road did Derek stop and curse, "I forgot Alex"

I started to panic, "You left Alex in there? Do you have any idea what they could do with him?!?"

Derek gave me a dull look, "After working there, I think I've got it nailed down."

"Sorry, I forgot."

Derek sighed and started to take of down the road again, turning right away from the area. I started at him, "What are you doing? We have to go back for Alex."

Derek Shook his head, but never took his eyes from the road, "I'm not going back there right now, he can hold up himself. We will come back later and get him."

I could feel tears burning in my eyes, I didn't even like the thought of my brother being with Brody, let alone what they might do to him. I felt a comforting hand on my shoulder and looked into the backseat to see Chase. He gestured for me to join him in the back, and as I stood and started climbing into the back seat, He took me by the waist - picking me up - and gently set me down in his lap.

"It will be ok, Alex will be fine,"

I sniffled as I snuggled into his chest, feeling oddly comforted by him, the smell and fell of him, even though I had only met him the day before. I looked up into his eyes, "How do you know?"

He smiled softly down at me, "I've met him once, and spent about 3 hours with him and I know that he is capable of helping himself, he can do it. You doubt him after you have known him all your life?"

I shook my head, knowing he was right. It was truly amazing how he managed to calm and comfort me so easily, but I didn't mind it. I closed my eyes, and just listen to his slow breathing, and gently drifted off.


I know it took ages, but I promise I Will Post Faster, And There isn't many chapters to go, you'll see.

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