1st day of hell. i mean...school

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Alexs POV

I put on my school unifrom and looked at myself in the mirror. This thing is hideous. Not even joking. What the hell is this school thinking? Today was my first day in 8th grade. This should be fun! I have no friends! I suck at making them. When I was younger I tried to become friends with this kid named Joey. It did NOT work out! He was really mean and called me weird. He wore glasses and basically had a mustache at age 7. Yeah, I was weird. Note my sarcasm.

I walked out of my room and grabbed the backpack the boys bought me. 

I walked outside to the van and sat next to Zayn. I took my phone out of backpack and immediately went on twitter. Wow! i already had 3k followers and I only tweeted one thing! Im popular. But then I looked at some of the comments I recieved. "You don't deserve the boys! Youre just some whore who wants to have sex with them." This by far is the rudest thing anyone has ever said to me. And trust me I've been called some terrible things. I shut my phone off and put it in my backpack.

Time for school! Yay! yeah, no.

I kissed each of the boys on the cheek and got out of the van. Louis winked at me and I smirked and walked off. This was gonna be fun. Let's see should I pretend to be nasceous or should I force myself to choke. Or maybe I grab some white chalk and draw lightly on my face so i will look pale! Yep! i walked to the office and grabbed my schedule.

"Hi i'm the principal, Mrs.Hart. This is Emma. She will be showing you around and helping you get to your classes and everything. She has the same schedule as you." The principal greeted me and introduced me to Emma.

Emma smiled at me. She held out her hand and I shook it. "Hi I'm Emma. Nice to meet you" She was very pretty with strawberry blonde hair and dark brown eyes. "Hi I'm Alex its nice to meet you too." I responded. She took my schedule and found my locker number. 

"Oh good youre locker is next to mine! ill show you to it. If you need help with your combination I'll help you." She smiled. She was very nice. Maybe I will have a friend after all. 

She showed me to my locker. She told me how to open it and handed me the numbers. 

Wow! I opened it!

"Wow i suck at opening my locker still and ive been here for 3 years!" She laughed. I giggled. 

I figured out what I needed for my next class and put the rest of my stuff in my locker. As I did, this guy walked up to Emma and put his arm around her. I smirked at her and she blushed. 

"Alex, this is my boyfriend Evan, Evan, this is my friend Alex. She's new here." She introduced us.

"Nice to meet you" He smiled. "You too." I added

The bell rang. "Okay, we have 4 minutes to get to each class. Now, you have Spanish with Senora Silva." Emma informed me. I nodded and we walked to class. Just as we entered the bell rang. Perfect timing. I looked at the clock. Ugh its only 8:25.

Senora Silva greeted me. She had many panda bear stuffed animals all over her room. I looked at all of them. Creepy!

"She loves pandas" Emma whispered to me. I giggled. 

"Hola! Como te llamas?" Senora Silva asked me. 

I stood there and everyone looked at me. Including this really cute guy in the back row. Holy shit. 

"Ummm...I'm Alex?" I questioned. 

She laughed at me. Ummmm...dont laugh at me!

"There's an open seat next to Matt." She smiled at me and motioned towards the cute guy in the back. Yes!

"kay" I answered and walked back there and sat between Matt and Emma. 

At least I knew Spanish was gonna be good.

After class I walked with Emma to our next subject which was math. 

Then I had social studies, lunch, and language arts.

Woah! Its already 1:00! Time flies by. I knew the plan very well.

I had art in like 5 minutes so I waited patiently. I ran to art and picked up some skin colored chalk that was sitting on one of the nearby tables along with numerous other colors. While no one was looking I took it and ran to the bathroom. I put it lightly on my face and looked in the mirror. I looke like I was sick!

I walked back to art sluggishly. I walked up to the teacher. "Ummmm..can I go to the nurse? I feel nasceous." She suprisingly bought it. "Yes take a pass" She handed me the pass and I ran to the nurse's office. Now I just have to get past the nurse and I'm home.

Quickly I went to the nearest water foutain and filled up my water bottle with warm water. Thank god these school water fountains have warm water instead of cold. I drank it all and swallowed it just in case she decided to take my temperature. 

i walked to the nurse's office.

"Hello" She smiled. I smiled back. "How are you?" She asked me. 

"Actually not too good. Im feeling nasceous. She examined me. Ummmm. 

She took my temperature. "Youre going to have to go home sweetie." Grab your stuff and Ill call your art teacher. I nodded and ran to my locker. I grabbed my backpack and put all my homework in it. I ran back to the nurse's office but walked in slowly when I got there. 

"Who should I call?" She asked me. "My dad. His number is 

(random number)


"Okay." She dialed the number and Louis voice came on the phone. She told him what was going on and told him he needed to pick me up. "Yes she didn't seem to well this morning." I heard his voice on the phone and laughed silently to myself. 

In a matter of time Louis was here and I got up from the bed. The bell rang.


"Louis we need to get out of here. Lots of directioners in this school." I whisper yelled. He nodded and picked me up while running.

Girls were screaming at him to come back and marry him. I couldnt help but laugh.

We finally got outside and got in the van and drove home. Home sweet home.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10, 2014 ⏰

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