The Adoption

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Authors Note: HERE IT GOES 


Hello. My name is Alex. Im 14 years old and I live in an orphanage. 

Louis' POV

We walked into Simon's office. "HEY SIMON!" I screamed. 

"Louis. Calm yourself" Simon patted my back. We all sat on the couch. "Hello boys! I bet you wondering why you're here?" We all nodded our heads. "Well, we decided that it would be a very good thing for you boys if you adopted a child. I was full of excitement. A child! The other lads' mouths dropped open. I just decided to do the same. "Why do we need to adopt a child?" Zayn asked. We all loved children but we might not be responsible enough to take care of one. "Don't worry lads. The child will be older. You will go to the orphanage straight from here to pick out a child. I would suggest a girl. Boys are obviously harder to handle." Simon chuckled as we all pouted. "Off you go!" Simon shooed us out. Me and the other lads walked out to the van outside his office. We hopped in. Harry broke the silence by saying, "How old do you want her to be?" Harry loved kids so this shouldn't be too hard. "I think she should be about 13 or 14!" Niall answered without hesitation.

We arrived to the orphanage. What a dump. These poor kids. I nodded to the other lads. "It might be very sad in there. Be respectful and quiet." Daddy Direction said. We all nodded in agreement and walked in. There was a bunch of kids in raggy clothes. But there was one girl who caught my eye. She was about 15 looking and she had long blonde curls. She was adorable. But there was something wrong with her. I could see the cuts up her arm. Holy cheese! She cuts! We need to help her. The other lads had the same look as they looked in the girls' direction. "Hi I'm Sam." A woman walked up to us. " Are you here to adopt a child?" She asked. 

"Yes." Niall answered. "Any particular age or gender in mind?" The woman asked grabbing a big black dusty binder out of a cabinet under the front desk. "Yes." Zayn said. "Here", she handed me the book, " Look through it and tell me when you've decided on a child. I started flipping through the pages and finally landed on the girl. 

It read:

Name: Alex Elizabeth Pey

gender: girl

age: 14

background: Was abused and has been sent to 10 different orpahanges. 

Note: She can be shy and is very scared around people. She just needs a lot of love and care. Please adopt her. 

I literally started crying reading this. The other lads read it and we all nodded. This was the child we wanted. "Have you decided?" The woman said.

"Yes, we would like Alex." I stated.

She almost started crying. "Thank you. Here is everything she owns and needs. She has a journal. Don't open it. It's her diary." She handed us a note and a bag of things. "Alex!" she called. The girl stumbled over. She was a beautiful young girl. She hid behind the woman. "Meet your new legal guardians."

Alexs' POV

I looked up at them. There were 5 of them. I slowly came out from behind Sam and managed a smile. I pulled my sleeve down as I noticed one of them looking towards my arm. "Hello love. I'm Louis. This is Zayn, Liam, Niall, and Harry. We're your new legal guardians." His enthustiastic voice broke the silence filling the room. They all smiled at me. A tear rolled down my cheek. "Don't worry love, we won't hurt you." The curly one spoke.

I walked up to them and smiled. "Hello." My voice cracked. I swear they were about to cry. I hugged Sam goodbye and walked outside to a van. They allowed me in and I sat down in the very back. They started driving. "So, what's your favorite food?" The blonde Irish boy asked. 

"Ummmm....oreos." I responded. They all nodded. I giggled. "What about you?"

"Well, i like pizza..OOHH and NANDOS!" The blonde one shouted. I covered my ears. He looked guilty. "Sorry." I giggled. This should be interesting. It's a good life.


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