Chapter Three

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There was a huge tongue slobbering on Joey's face, like a Great Dane was licking him. 

Joey pushed the dog aside and got up, rubbing his eyes. When he opened them, he jumped back and screamed.

A huge dark brown figure was standing in fronting of him, drooling, panting, and wagging his tail.

It had dark brown fur so thin it looked like skin. It had stubby ears and a short snout. It had long fangs and a flat, boxy head. It had huge black dragon wings and a long tail with a hard arrowhead at the tip.

"What?" Amelia snickered. "You don't have droggons on your world?"

Joey couldn't say anything. He could barely shake his head. 

"Anyways, he's gonna be our transportation. His name is Arrow." She pet the droggon and he licked her back.

"How can he stand on this wood without breaking it?" Joey finally spoke.

"Metalplanks. Can withstand anything. Even fire." 

Joey realized that everyone was awake. 

"Are we leaving yet?" Roxy asked. "Or are you just gonna keep staring?"

"We're leaving. Holly, you'll be with my brother." Amelia motioned for Toby to come over.

"You two will be on Seashine," Amelia said.

"Seashine?" Holly repeated.

"She's a syhert. She'll be waiting for you below the treehouse." Amelia patted her droggon.

"Up y'all go! Ha! Let's get this party started!" Amelia laughed.

Roxy, Joey, and Andy climbed up on the beast. Amelia took the front.

"Hold on tight!" She called.

The droggon took to the air and soared high in the sky, Andy holding on to Amelia, Joey holding on to Andy, and Roxy grabbing Joey.

"Woo!" Andy chanted.

"How do you think she got that scar?" Roxy whispered.

"What scar?" Joey whispered back.

"Really? The nasty one over her left eye that stands out!" Roxy snapped.

Joey shrugged. "Guess I didn't notice it."

"How could you not? It's like a dog with blue fur!" Roxy growled.

"What are you guys talking about?" Amelia asked.

"Nothing!" The said in unity.

She laughed. "Okay, then."

Joey glared at Roxy. 

"What?" Roxy shrugged.

"Where are we going?" Joey asked.

"To get your portal back!" Amelia answered.

"Isn't that dangerous?" Andy said worriedly.

"You put alcohol in your body every chance you get and you want to talk about dangerous?" Joey said sarcastically.

Andy glared at him.

"It tastes good."

"So if ants tasted good, would you eat them?" Joey said.


"You wouldn't."

"Maybe if I tried them!"

"Will you try them?"

Andy didn't respond.

"That's what I thought." Joey snickered.

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