Chapter Thirteen

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Was he dead?

He couldn't feel anything. He couldn't see, couldn't breathe, couldn't hear, smell, think.

He must be dead.

Suddenly, there was a ringing in his ears. His eyesight was fuzzed out and blurry. His numb body was starting to tingle.

He felt himself being lifted. A sudden force hit his head and he was jolted awake.

Toby was holding him. Joey looked back at Andy and Roxy.

Joey pushed Toby away and ran towards them, collapsing on his knees above Roxy. He started to sob.

"Rocks, please," Andy said hysterically. "Please, wake up!" Joey hugged Andy as he started crying as well.

Someone tapped him lightly on his shoulder, so lightly he almost didn't notice.

"We have to go," Toby said softly. Joey nodded. He sniffed.

"Andy, we have to go," Joey whispered.

"We can't just leave her here!" Andy screamed.

"I'm sorry. We have no choice. They might get to us if we stay," Toby said.

"So be it!" Andy yelled.

"I know an outlaw town west of here. They knew Amelia," Toby whispered. "They knew her well."

"I heard you are into parties? It's Friday, isn't it? They always have parties on the weekend. These are the ones they get real high at."

Andy wiped the tears from his eyes and stood up. He looked at Joey. "Will you come with me?" He asked. Joey nodded. He looked around and saw Yellow with an arrow in his head.

"Only if Toby agrees to watch Holly." Joey and Andy stared at him and awaited his answer.

Toby nodded. "Of course. Have fun getting high." Toby rolled his eyes.

Andy shook his head. "I won't be getting high." 

They headed off for the town, Toby leading the way, Andy and Joey trying to comfort Holly, who was shaking and sobbing, while tears fell down their cheeks as well.

Not far from the town, there was an abandoned house. In the house, there were bunk beds and a king-sized bed. There was also a bathroom, a living room, and a kitchen. There were canned foods.

"C-can you sleep with me?" Holly whispered to Toby.

Toby nodded. "Do you want anything to eat?" He asked politely.

Holly nodded. She grabbed Toby's hand. Toby looked back at Andy and Joey.

"Wizard Temples. Near the middle, on the left." Toby nodded at them.

"See you." He disappeared with Holly in the kitchen.

Andy and Joey started on their journey to find wizard temples.

Andy took out his only bottle. He scrunched up his nose.

"Tequila. Guess it'll have to do." He grabbed his bottle opener and removed the ball-shaped thing on the top.

"Can I have a sip?" Joey asked.

Andy stared at him. "You don't drink. You hate drinking. If you hate wine, you'll hate this too."

"Please? I feel awful." Joey reached out for the bottle.

Andy passed the bottle to him. Joey took the tiniest sip.

He gagged. He gave the bottle back to Andy before he dropped it.

Andy snorted. He downed the rest of the bottle when they got into Roghor. He smashed the bottle on the ground, then picked up the glass pieces and shoved them in his bag.

"Weapons," Andy said.

"You have a bottle opener. Why didn't you use that?" Joey asked. Andy shrugged.

"Before it goes to my head, you came here to keep an eye on me, right?" Andy said.

Joey nodded. "That, and to try to forget what happened today. Take my mind off it. But I do have to watch you, so I'm not getting high," Joey said quickly.

Andy nodded.

By the time they got there, Andy was completely wasted. 

There was heavy metal music on, and most people were dancing or talking to their friends.

Joey went to the bar.

"Pack of Dolung?" The bartender asked.

"Uh, no, thanks," Joey said.

"Ah, you're that kid on the news! Don't worry, we won't tell anyone. After all, you were with our girl, Amelia. She was always the light of the party! Not her brother though, he was a downer," the bartender said. "Do you know where she is? Why didn't she come say hi?"

Joey stared at the ground. "The wizards got her." The bartender's smile fell.

"Oh. That happens a lot. Always sad, however. Especially since she was so young. But how? Only the king could defeat Amelia!" The bartender said proudly, as if he were her father.

"She was trying to protect my friend." Joey wanted to start crying again.

The bartender nodded. "Tomorrow, after the party then, we'll take a day to mourn. Not gonna ruin the party today, let everyone have their fun. We'll throw her a proper funeral, with lots of plants. My boys will be sad to hear this. Everyone liked her. She was a good kid, and a great mercenary. She got more money than any of us. Poor Merlin and Toby."

"Why Merlin? Didn't they try to kill each other?" Joey asked.

The bartender looked shocked. "Oh, no! They were best of pals. They had to duel, because Amelia was determined to be number one someday! It was all for the battle, it even took place here! Merlin and Amelia were still good friends afterward." He nodded to the stage. "Isn't that your friend?"

Andy was dancing and screaming at the top of his lungs on stage. The crowd seemed to love him. Joey slapped himself in the face.

"No," Joey said. He let out a long sigh. The bartender laughed.

"What did he get high on? Reminds me of Amelia!" He laughed again, then looked sad. "You should join the fun, there are plenty of people who aren't high, but they're still dancing. Get in there kid, while you're still here." Joey nodded and smiled.

"Thanks. What's your name?" He asked. "I'm Joey."

"Steve! See ya around, Joe!" He called as Joey descended into the crowd.

They had stayed for hours. Joey made the best of it, and sometimes went back to talk to Steve. He had the time of his life.

As Joey was making his way back to Steve, Andy caught up with him.

"Joey, Joey!" Andy called. Joey stopped and looked at him.

"I love you!" Andy said. Joey stared at him. It must be the alcohol. The idiot. 

"Andy, we should go. It's been awhile." Joey tugged on his arm.

"Kiss me!" Andy slurred.

"Andy, you're drunk! I am not going to kiss you!" Joey growled.

It was a long night.

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