Chapter Fifteen

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They ran back to the house. Holly was eating her egg. 

"Is Toby in the bedroom?" Joey asked. Holly nodded.

"Finish up. We have to leave," Andy said. She sighed and ate faster. Andy sat down next to her.

Joey ran into the bedroom. He shook Toby awake.

Toby groaned. "What?" He growled.

"Goluns, they, they're everywhere! We have to leave!" Joey said quietly. Toby shot up and out of bed.

"Let's go, no time to waste." Toby walked off into the hall. Joey ran to catch up with him.

"Don't you think we should help?" Joey asked. Toby shook his head.

"We have to leave. More than likely, it's the wizards after us," Toby said.

"So we let them all die for us?" Joey said, disgusted.

Toby nodded. "Yeah, that's the idea, as awful as it sounds. Whatever it takes to survive. Besides, if they got a handful of citizens hostage, one of them's bound to crack." 

Andy and Holly were waiting outside. Toby headed into the forest behind them.

Joey went straight for the town.

Toby stopped. "What are you doing?" He growled.

"Helping," Joey answered.

"You're a fool! You'll get killed!" Toby snapped.

Joey shrugged. "Are you coming, Andy?" Joey called.

Andy smiled and gave him a thumbs up while nodding. "Yup. Sure as hell."

"Holly, do you want to go with Toby?" Joey asked. Holly nodded.

Toby sighed. "Well, we're going to the same place as them, Holly." Toby took the lead.

"Might as well follow me," he said. He ran off to the village.

Andy pulled glass shards out of his bag. Joey grabbed his spearhead. Holly held on tight to her pencil.

Joey ran straight to Wizard Temples. Outside, Steve waved.

"What-" Before he could say any more, Steve interrupted him.

"Is THAT your weapon? My my! How did you make it this far kid?" He laughed.

"Do we have time for this?" Joey waved at the dragons.

Steve raised his eyebrows. "Come with me. I'll get you and your boyfriend a REAL sword. Each!" 

Joey felt weird. His mind started to spin again. "He's not my boyfriend."

Steve laughed. "Took you long enough to say that!" He disappeared into his bar. Joey followed him.

Steve went behind the counter. Joey sat down at the bar. Steve polished two swords and set them out in front of Joey.

"Hey, do you have a knife?" Joey asked.

He pulled out a kitchen knife. 

Joey smiled. "Thank you," he said. Steve nodded.

"Get on out there! This is your mess!" Steve joked.

"My mess to clean. Better get the broom," Joey said.

"The clock's ticking! And you're wasting time!" Steve reached over the counter and patted his shoulder.

"Sorry! I hope I'll see you again some time, Steve." Steve smiled.

"Nonsense. I'll come with you. You could use your magic after all," Steve said.

"No, you don't have to," Joey replied.

"I want to," Steve insisted.

Joey nodded.

When they walked outside, a storm cloud hung above them. Riding it was a young man with a white T-shirt, black flip-flops, long, purple pants, and a dark gray jacket. He had blonde hair and brown eyes, and a beyond angry look on his face.

"Merlin, glad to see you could join us," Steve snickered.

The man glared at him and jumped off his cloud. "No time for games," he growled. "Amelia is dead. And it was the king who killed her."

"We knew she'd get herself killed someday. It is a tragedy, yes, but we cannot think of that at the current moment," Steve said.

Merlin shook his head. "I don't care. I will win this fight for her. And I will overthrow King Patrick. I will help these brave young men and the girl, and you will not stand in my way!" He declared.

Spikes rose up. They dove right into the Goluns. They roared in pain, and turned their focus directly to Merlin.

Fire, ice, vines, and shadows grabbed at Merlin, but he didn't do anything. When he was raised in the air, lightning struck, hitting the ground with such force the ground shook. The Goluns shrieked.

"Andy!" Joey called. Andy turned his head, then trotted over to him.

"That was so cool, wasn't it? Maybe I should be drunk less, so I can see that again!" Andy smiled.

Joey felt warm. He had wanted Andy to say that for a long time. He handed Andy the sword.

"Woah! So cool! This place is awesome!" Andy exclaimed.

He looked up at the dragons. "Those Goluns are much more powerful than the last one."

"Hey, Andy, since we might die..." Andy interrupted him.

"Woah, there, pal! Slow down! You're supposed to be the positive one!" Andy joked.

"Did you mean what you said in the bar?" Joey asked.

Andy's smile disappeared. "Yes. We have to go fix this dragon thing right now, so let's-" Joey cut him off, kissing him.

Andy smiled at him.

"We don't have time for this," Joey said. He threw Andy the knife. 

"Find Holly, get that to her," Joey said. "I'll go help Merlin."

Andy nodded.

Joey felt warmer.

Joey jumped on a storm cloud nearby. He sprung off, landing on a Golun that was a replica of the one in the cave.

The Golun roared and twisted its head, smoke steaming from his nose.

Joey cut his head clean off.

He jumped off the falling dead monster. He landed on his feet, which hurt his legs.

Merlin smiled. "Nice work," he said. "Reminds me of..." He didn't finish the thought, but Joey knew what he wanted to say.

Merlin's smiled vanished. He turned back to the battle, with a somber look on his face.

Joey felt like sobbing now. He missed Roxy. No amount of monster-fighting would help that.

Suddenly, chains wrapped around all of them, everyone in the town. The Goluns flew away, and the dust cleared. A wizard in black robes stepped out.

Joey saw Steve struggling to his right. On his left, Holly and Toby were standing still, Holly sobbing. Andy tried to cut his way out, but only ended up hurting himself.

Black chuckled, amused. "No point in trying to escape," he said. "You are all under arrest."

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