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I text Amber back.

She bursts through the large double-green doors of the school

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She bursts through the large double-green doors of the school. "I told Dad I'd come get you so this better be good," she folds her arms and taps her foot.

Students are weaving in between us, coming in and out. I pull Amber to the side and she rolls her eyes at my seriousness. I warned her in the apocalyptic world, it didn't do much, but maybe I can warn her here. Warn her about,

"You need to stay away from Jace."

She scoffs, "since when did you start making demands?"

"Since now. For real, stay away from him."

"Why? He's your boyfriend? And, wait, how'd you even know he and I were talking? No one knows."

"I-uh-I-I, it's just obvious," I stammer, completely forgetting about the part where I shouldn't be knowing about their relationship in this world. "He's not good for you, ight? Just stay away from him."

"God, Dean, you're so paranoid," and she turns to leave.

"Amber, far out!"

"What's the big deal anyway?" she spins back around. "Besides, why do you care about me all of a sudden? Why do you even care at all?"

"I... Why wouldn't I care, tf?"

"'Cause you're annoying?"

"Stay away from him," I give her a blatant expression. "Trust me."

"N-o," she spells it out and starts walking to the car again.

"Fine!" I grab her arm. "At least... be careful."

She looks at my hand on her, then back into my eyes. "Alright, alright, jeez, I will. If anything happens you'll be the first to know."


"You take shotgun," she runs to the backseat of Dad's car, "he looks pissed."

Fuck. I get in and throw my backpack in front of my legs, "soz, Dad, got held up," and I pull the seatbelt down, clipping it in.

"As expected. I've got some news for yous, well, Dean already knows, so Amber, it's for you," he looks at her through the rear-view mirror. "Amber, you listenin'?"

"What's up?" she scrolls on her phone.

"Yous both are going to summer camp."

"What???" Amber looks up from her phone. "Why, Dad?!"

"Dad, c'mon," I sigh, "you weren't serious about that stuff."

He chuckles, "of course I was."

"That shit's for retards," I mutter bitterly.

"No, it's for students who need to learn how to behave," he corrects.

"I'm not going," Amber crosses her arms and looks out the window.

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