Chapter 7

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    We all stop breathing, I am pretty sure we all have that gut feeling. That heart renching, twisty, bad gut feeling. Almost makes me want to... I don't know, if it is what... no it can't be, what am I thinking?! It could just be someone...

   But why would someone grunt and moan? Is it just a joke? But what about that weird kid? Did the parents feed that kid bathsalts?! That would be absolutely fucked up!

   By now the noise is so close that I am supprised that I can't see what it is. That is when it hits me. I slowly turn around and see a figure. That kid! The teenager, still had the same clothes, but... had holes... holes to all you can see is his skeletal area but straight through, one of his cheeks is gone. His eyes... There blood shot pure red.

    Out of reflex I push Charles and Taylor away, grab Charles' ax and slam it through it's neck and get the ax stuck in the tree. Once the ax gets stuck in the tree and went through the neck of the... thing, it dissipates into ash. Nothing but a small pile.

    I start... crying? What? I don't cry? What is wrong with me? That is when I see it. Looking up I see a lot more of the things, but they aren't just moaning and grunting. They are screaming in sounds of pain. Some are sobbing. There are kids, adults and elderly walking towards us.

   "RUN! NOW! GET THE FUCK AWAY!" I scream as loud as I can. I grab the ax and bolt.

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