(A/N - This story was previously called Under The Rainbow. I felt like changing somethings up and here it is. Hope you enjoy lol)
It was a beautiful night. Admittedly quite chilly, but beautiful nonetheless. The stars were usually bright and plentiful in Bluedell but they looked exceptionally pretty tonight.But even starlight caused shadows and Nathaniel felt like he bore all its weight.
He sat in his car in his driveway, his hands clutching the steering. He wanted to start the engine back on, turn the car around and drive away. Or, bang his head against the steering wheel. But he eventually made himself get out and dragged himself to the door. He slipped his key into the hole and pushed the door open.
His parents sat in the living room, watching T.V. Nathaniel knew they both had heard him enter but they both chose to ignore it. He tried to convince himself it was better this way but he couldn't stop the slight, unwelcome jab of pain he felt when he realised that they had both somehow lost most of the love they had for him just because he was different.
He shook himself quickly and headed straight up to his room, forgetting his dinner. Nathaniel half hoped his mother would remind him but no call came from downstairs. He felt foolish for waiting for it.
It was eight-thirty now and Nathaniel still had a lot more homework than he cared to finish. But he still sat down at his table to get through as much as he could. The way things were going, he doubted his parents would spring for college and Nathaniel had never worked a job in his life. He'd spent all his time practising football. Coach had said the odds of him winning a scholarship for it were looking good but he had to keep his grades in check, just in case.
Unfortunately, his mind refused to cooperate. It was as if his mind had had enough after the last two hours of torment. And he was not being dramatic about it.
He pulled back his sleeve and looked at the bruise he knew would have formed by now. It was there, bold and hideous. He lifted his shirt and sure enough, there was a similar one across his abdomen. The sight of them stung more than the actual injury. The memories they brought were like a punch that knocked his breath out.
He wanted to scream.
About after an hour and a half of mindlessly staring at his books, he gave up. Not bothering to change into his pyjamas, he slammed himself onto his bed.
He hoped for sleep to come quickly but of course, that wouldn't happen. Nathaniel's mind reeled out of his control. He had never been the best at controlling his thoughts or his emotions. If he had, he wouldn't be in this mess in the first place. So against his will, the events of the day flooded his head.
When he'd woken up that morning, he'd found the house was already empty and echoing. But that was no surprise, his parents always left early and they dropped his sister off to school along the way. So every morning, he'd have some time to feel a little at home at his house. He'd gotten dressed hurriedly, not caring that he'd worn the same shirt and jeans from the previous day. He'd shrugged on a jacket, made himself a toast and driven to school.
Nathaniel never had problems with parking. Being the captain of the football team, he had a reserved parking spot. He didn't know why no one else would just park in it, it wasn't like he could or would do anything about it if they did. But he wasn't going to complain. He had gotten out and immediately scanned the parking area for the old red Benz.
He shunned himself for it later but he couldn't seem to help himself. He also couldn't seem to help but feel a little bit lighter when he found it parked a little farther away from his own car.
Short Story\\ A collection of short stories to prove the light within you can conquer the darkness around you \\ This is my (feeble) attempt to shed light on things hidden in the dark. People that need to be seen. Voices that need to be heard. Demons that need...