Chapter 17: Point of No Return

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3 years ago. 6th Year. Hogwarts.

The dawning sunlight shone through the glass windows of Hogwarts, emitting the great hall with light. But it wasn't the same cheery, happy, food-filled great hall everyone had once known. It was cold, quiet and empty.

The sunlight shone through the office of Albus Dumbledore as Harry slowly opened the door, with Draco trailing behind. Both had bags under their eyes, suggesting neither slept much at all. The two walked around the office wordlessly, neither wanting to bring up what happened the night before. It was all too surreal.

Harry stopped in front of Dumbledore's desk, where his remaining possessions remain untouched. The only difference was that now, his wand had been picked up and placed on the table as they prepare the headmaster's body for the funeral. Draco walked up beside Harry as Harry slid an arm around his waist, pulling him close. Draco silently rested his head on his shoulder but didn't cry. He didn't have the strength to anymore.

"Potter?" Harry looked towards the door where the voice came from. Professor McGonagall wore a sad smile, and you could tell by her red eyes that she too has been mourning over the loss of a great wizard.

"In light of what has happened..." McGonagall said to him. "If you should have the need to talk to someone..."

Harry smiled at her and looked at Draco, whose face remained expressionless since last night. He intertwined their hands and rubbed his palm with his thumb. The other boy glanced at Harry but didn't smile. Harry turned back to McGonagall.

"I'll keep that in mind, Professor. Thank you."

McGonagall nodded with a sad smile before heading out the door, but she stopped before she closed it.

"You should know... about Professor Dumbledore..." She blinked at Harry. "You meant a great deal to him."

The door to the office closed as McGonagall bumped abruptly into Ron and Hermione, who looked as if they were trying to get into the headmaster's office as well.

"Good morning, Mr Weasley. Miss Granger." McGonagall spoke softly.

"Are they in there?" Ron said.

McGonagall sighed and nodded.

"Can you let us in?" Hermione asked the professor, but McGonagall turned to the both of them and shook her head. "Why? What's going on?"

"I believe Mr Potter is having a heart to heart with Mr Malfoy." She glanced at the entrance to Dumbledore's office. "I can't help feeling bad... Despite his madness, he was his father."

Harry and Draco both sat down in silence in Dumbledore's office. Harry didn't want to speak because he didn't know whether Draco was ready to talk yet. But then, Draco stood up as he turned to Harry and spoke for the first time since it happened.

"I'm sorry, Harry."

"Draco..." Harry blinked and gave him a hug from behind, and rested his chin on the blonde's shoulder. "You don't have to apologise for anything."

"Oh but I do." He sighed. "I was going to kill. I was going to become the one thing I've tried so hard not to be. I was going to become a monster."

"But you didn't." Harry pulled away and turned him around so he was facing him. "There's nothing you can do now. It's over..."

Draco closed his eyes and took deep breaths.

"I need some air." He held out his hand as Harry took it without hesitation.

Harry looked at him with a sad smile. "Where do you want to go?"

Draco took a deep breath. "Take me back to the astronomy tower."

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