Chapter 18: The Heart is a lonely hunter

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Present Day. 12 Grimmauld Place.

The doorbell to 12 Grimmauld Place rang loudly as Harry dropped the book he was reading in shock at the sudden noise. Ginny and Luna were out on a date. Ron and Hermione were back at the Burrow helping Mrs Weasley out with some secret surprise party for everyone, nobody really knew what the occasion was except for Ron and Hermione.

The doorbell rang again as Harry shook himself awake from his daydreaming and sprang up from the sofa and made his way to the door and opened it in one swift motion.

Narcissa Malfoy wore a smile as Harry blinked twice at the unexpected guest before smiling widely and embracing her in a hug.

"Narcissa!" He laughed. "I had no idea you were coming today."

"Neither did I." She chuckled and returned the hug, patting Harry's back affectionately. "I actually came here to give you something."

Harry ushered her into the living room and sat her down onto the sofa in front of the TV. Narcissa Malfoy had become a professional counsellor for the Wizarding world after the war had ended.

The death of Draco had impacted her the most out of everyone. After all, the loss Harry felt for his beloved is nothing compared to the loss Narcissa felt for the loss of her own son. But if anything, Draco's death only gave Narcissa a reason to help people whose lives have been affected by the war. She had helped multiple patients, all of which had no complaints about her and even recommend her to their friends. She even made it to Witch Weekly as a recommendation for anyone who wanted to talk about things from the war.

Harry came back into the living room a while later with two mugs of hot tea. He placed the cups and saucers on the coffee table in front of him as he turned to Narcissa.

"How are you?"

"I'm alright." She smiled back at him. "I was clearing the East Wing of the Manor when something came back to me."

She reached into her pocket and took out a delicate jewellery box, and pulled out a pendant, to which Harry recognised immediately.

"That's Draco's."

"Yes." Narcissa sighed. "It is."

She placed it on Harry's hand as he examined the pendant with the Malfoy crest.

"Has he ever told you the story of when he got this pendant?"

Harry chuckled and shook his head. "He mentioned it once in detention, he tried using it as a memory for the Patronus Charm."

Narcissa smiled at him. "Well then, let me tell you."

8 years ago. 5th June 1991.

Dobby was cleaning in the drawing room as he spotted a small black box on the table, inside was a beautiful gold pendant, it held the Malfoy crest with a snake surrounding the letter M. It was black and gold in colour. Dobby grew wide-eyed at the fascination of such a delicate gift as he slowly put it around his neck and stood in front of the mirror, striking a pose in an extremely imitating way Draco would stand.

"HEY!" Draco said angrily as Narcissa followed him.

Dobby hurriedly took off the pendant and cleaned it with a spell quickly, it was sparking like new but Draco was still mad.

"Oh, Master Draco! Dobby is terribly sorry! Please forgive Dobby, Dobby was just fascinated to see-"

"How dare you!" He interrupted and glared at Dobby. "That's mine! It's not for a servant."

"It was Dobby's mistake!" Dobby apologized again as he hopped off the chair in front of the mirror.

Draco still glared at him as Narcissa walked up beside him. "Servants don't deserve-"

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