Chapter 1 & Prologue

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Waiting for the surgery to end seemed like an eternity. Hank's hair wasn't just standing on edge, it was falling out. He was beside himself with worry. The receptionist was annoyed at his constant questions and his tendency to slam his hands on her desk. He felt angry. At that Insurgent, at the parade, at Markus for not protecting Connor. At--


He blamed himself most of all. Connor wouldn't have been there, if he hadn't forced him too. Now, Connor was hurt. Because of him. It all reminded him of Cole.



Not breathing.

He needed to breath.

Hank rushed out of the hospital, he needed fresh air. He vaguely noticed the receptionist calling for him asking if he was okay. He places both hands on a nearby wall. He was drowning. Maybe it was because of his despair, maybe it was the stress of waiting, or maybe it was the unshed tear. Hank voted all of the above.

He could see his breath in the cold air. It calmed his nerves enough to think clearer. His thoughts weren't crystal clear--when were they ever? He can't remember a time when he could think clearly. In fact, that's why he normally drank.

He chuckled to himself. He could use a drink right about now. To calm his nerves or to forget about them. Hank couldn't see the in-between right now, the only thing he wanted was to see Connor.




In a furious rage, he punched the wall and watched the blood drip from his hand. How freaking long does it take to fix a friggin' android? Granted, the doctors who were working on Connor were human doctors, but according to Cyberlife the anatomy isn't so different.

Flashback, four hours ago

"Sir, none of us specialize in caring for androids." the nurse said somberly. Hank was hovering over Connor protectively as he laid on the stretcher bleeding out. As the nurse spoke he slowly turned his head angrily towards her.

"You do EVERYTHING you can for him, you hear me?! EVERYTHING!" Hank yelled. The doctor noticed the scuffle and came over.

"What seems to be the problem?" The doctor asked calmly. The nurse answered quickly.

"He brought in an android, sir." The doctor looked at Connor then at Hank. Somehow, Hank believed he was going to help Connor.

"Please...Help him...He's all I have." Hank pleaded, though he'd never admit to it--except to Connor. "I can't lose him, too." and perhaps it was Hank's pleas, but the doctor nodded and guided Connor to an OR. It was an hour or so before the doctor returned and began explain to Hank what was going to happen.

"In order to keep him alive, I need to add human blood to his system. I don't know if it will work, but I will try if I have your consent. Before you answer, you should know that no one has never performed this operation on an android before. This could do absolutely nothing or save his life. It's a 50-50 chance." the doctor paused, catching his breath. "If he does survive, you'll need to take him to Cyberlife immediately. They won't be able to remove the red blood with killing him, but they can stabilize him. They can also telling you what effects will take place. But--That's if he survives. What is your answer?"

"Do it." Hank replied without hesitation.

End of Flashback

Hank leaned his back against the cold, stone wall. If he was being honest, he was scared. He had no idea what to think or what to imagine. He didn't want to think of the pain Connor was in or how the surgery might fail. At the same time, he wanted to think of what will happen once Connor's healed. They'll go on cases together and maybe chill at the bar or the park afterwards. He knew there was only half a chance that would be able to happen, so he tried to imagine instead.

He imagined Connor smirking at him saying how he appreciated how worried Hank was. He imagined taking Connor home and being greeted by Sumo, who seemed to really love Connor.

A door swinging open broke Hank out of his thoughts. It was the doctor. Hank stood immediately.

"He's alive." the doctor said. Hank collapsed to his knees as he thanked the doctor. "You can go and see him now." Hank nodded and collected himself as he rushed inside. The receptionist led him to Connor's room.

Hank stood in the doorway and stared at Connor. He looked so small and helpless in that bed. Nevertheless, even from the doorway Hank could see Connor's chest rising and falling gently. He slowly made his way over to the side of the bed. He did his best to blink back the tears, but he couldn't. He was crying. He placed a gentle hand on Connor's forehead and gently brushed back the hair with his thumb.

Hank sat on the bed, then shook his head and laid down. He faced Connor on the large hospital bed. Connor was wearing a hospital gown with blood stains on the whole right side of his torso. He had been in surgery for hours before, but now he was resting safely next to Hank. Safe.

Hank kept a comforting hand on Connor's knee in case he woke up and needed the comfort. Hank also put his forehead against Connor's.

The doctor peered in the room, but quickly retreated. He secretly vowed to himself that he would talk to that man and his android tomorrow. For now, he'd let both rest peacefully.


A/N: I promise this story gets more intense! Just bear with me!!

Connor will soon wake up. I wonder if he remembers what happened to him....

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