One big happy family

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Prince: Babe pack a suitcase we are going on vacation with the kids

YN: to where

Prince: you'll see let's hold a family meeting to tell them

YN: okay

Authors note: well they have 3 kids 2 girls 1 boy the boy is the oldest he's 14 his name is Jeremiah Perez the second oldest is Stacy Perez she's 12 and the youngest is Lauren Perez she's 4.


They all come down

Stacy: gosh dad you didn't have to scream I was talking to my boyfri------ Corrine I mean

Prince: boyfriend?

Stacy: I love you daddy

Prince: we gonna talk later

Jeremiah: so what's the news dad

Prince: hold up let me know how y'all day has been

Jeremiah: fine

Stacy: it's ight

Prince: correct language young lady

Stacy: *rolls eyes*

Lauren: it's good I met a new friend I had cookies for snack, we colored today, I used the bathroom too, I ate pizza too, I also played in the play station, I also-----

Prince: okay sweetheart that's enough..what about you babe

YN: it was good have a new employee at the salon

Prince: that's great

Jeremiah: dad tell us what you want already

Prince: calm down we're taking a vacation


Prince: the BAHAMAS

Kids: awesome

YN: wow babe when do we leave

Prince: Friday so y'all should pack

Kids: *run away*

YN: I love you

Prince: love you more


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