Chapter 16

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Holy shit.

What were we talking about?

Were we fighting?

Why would I be mad when his lips felt this good?

His hands released mine to travel down my body and I snaked mine up into his hair. His hands found the sides of my chest and I let out a small moan. A shiver coursed through me as he continued to travel further south, stopping at my waste.

At some point, I managed to flip our positions and I was now straddling his lap as he sat up against the headboard of the bed. I let my hands take control as they made their way down from his hair and onto his chest. Even with a shirt on you could feel his definition.

I released his lips to breathe, but he just found a new spot to kiss - my cheek, my chin, neck. I tossed my head back, giving him more access. He kissed and bit my neck, and once he was satisfied with his work, he moved back up to capture my mouth again. Our tongues fought for complete dominance; him being the champion in the end.

I could feel his hands moving back up my body, only this time, under my shirt. With light hands, he caressed every one of my curves and got my shiver of approval in return. It wasn’t until he slipped his hand under my bra that I came crashing back to reality.

I opened my eyes so fast and so hard, I thought they might have been thrown back into my skull. I shoved him back into the headboard as I scrambled off the bed.

“What the fuck was that for?” I screamed from the end of the bed.

He sighed and leaned his head back, closing his eyes. “The quickest way to bring someone out of a sivatnya is through physical contact.”

“Then why didn’t you just give me a pat on the back, stupid? You basically just molested me!”

His eyes opened and he looked right at me. “If I remember correctly, you were reciprocating every motion I did. So, don’t you play that molestation card with me!” he spat back, his voice continuing to raise. I started walking back closer to him.

“But you knew what you were doing! I didn’t. I clearly have no control over my actions during one of those sivatnya things!”

This is when shit hit that fan.

He got out of bed in record-breaking time and walked until he was two inches from my face. “A sivatnya is not a thing. It is a gift from our ancestors and has helped us win many wars. Only eight people in existence are known to have it, you being one of those lucky few. So, for your benefit, I would learn to respect it.”

I looked away from his face. “If it’s such a gift then why do I feel so cursed?”

I’m not sure when the tears started falling, but the moment Nykolai wrapped me in his arms, there was no stopping them. He just held me as I cried into his chest, occasionally telling me it’ll be alright. Once I gained control of my sobs, Nykolai lifted my chin to look at him, saying, “I know it’s hard now, but you just have to trust me in that I know it gets better.” I nodded and backed out of his arms. He got the message and started walking towards the door. Before leaving completely, he turned around.

“Do you need anything before I leave?” I shook my head, not trusting my voice at this point.

“Oh, and Reese?” he questioned. I looked back up at him. He smirked, pointing at my neck, and said, “Good luck covering that up.” And with that, he left.

What the hell? I walked into the bathroom and looked at my neck in the mirror.

That motherfucker.

Right on the side of my neck was a huge ass hickey. Damnit! I was seriously hoping that humans as a population had stopped that in the 90s, but I guess that didn’t applying to fucking aliens. I hate him so much right now.

Thirty minutes and a bottle of concealer later, I walked out of my room clad in a scarf and made my way to the kitchen for something to eat. One thing I noticed about the time here was that it was very similar to Earth’s. In fact, it was only off by an hour making the days 25 hours long. I’m sure some farmer somewhere is rejoicing right now for the longer days, but all I know is that I now have another hour in the day to spend eating.

I walked into the kitchen right as Tori was walking out. She stopped and glared at me.

“I should have won the agility course. Everyone knows you cheated by practically skipping half the course,” she ground out between clenched teeth. I just simply gave her my best uninterested face and kept walking to a bar stool. That is until I felt a hand grab my hair and yank me back by my ponytail.

“Pay attention to me when I’m speaking, bitch!” yelled Tori right in my ear.

I’m not sure what happened next.

All I know is I couldn’t stop.

My right hand found its way around her neck, successfully pinning Tori to the kitchen wall while my left hand somehow found a knife. I have a feeling it might of had something to do with my apparent telekinesis “super powers”.

Holding the knife up to her neck, I spoke softly and carefully, “If you ever touch me again I will drag you by your hair to the Royal quarters and slit your throat, leaving behind a trail of your blood down the hallway. No one will know that you’re gone besides me and the Royal family, of course, as they’re going to help me dispose of your useless, dismantled body. Now,” I started as I put the knife down and backed away a few steps, “leave before I get ahead of myself and make a mess in the kitchen.”

She stumbled to the door, wide-eyed and panting for air, and ran back to whatever Hell she came from. Turning around, I noticed all of the kitchen staff looking at me with shocked expressions. Well, everyone except one woman who was clearly trying to hide her laughter. I think her name was Amelia. She was one of the oldest staff members here and quite honestly the one responsible for all desserts made in

the palace. No wonder I knew her name.

“Thank you for that. I have been trying to get rid of that wretched girl ever since you bunch came back from the games!” laughed Amelia as she walked up to me and grabbed me into a hug. I laughed along with her returned the hug.

“No one touches my hair,” I replied with a smile. I continued to sit in the kitchen talking with the staff members for another hour or so. Only one guy brought up my scarf and he bought my excuse of feeling a little cold indoors despite the 80 degree weather outside. Nikki made her debut about half an hour in and was conversing with me and Amelia until we heard another person walk in. Amelia immediately bowed making me and Nikki look at each other. I slowly turned around to come face-to-face with a pissed off King and a smirking Tori.

That childish little bitch.

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