Chapter 4

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At first, the room was dead silent. The tension in the air was so thick that you could cut it into pieces and serve it as an appetizer. This didn't last long, though. His words had finally set into our minds. And after the silence?

All Hell broke loose.

Some girls cried, others screamed. One girl was being pinned onto the floor by a brunette twin because she had freaked out and started to rampage throughout the room, taking down other unsuspecting girls in her way. You could hear the hopeful prayers to the Heavens, echoing against the walls.

I honestly could not say that I was surprised. Since first feeling my gut reaction to this place, I had been mentally preparing myself for this sort of news. Looking around, I saw another girl that had the same reaction as me. She must have felt it herself. She was a few yards away from  me new the other side of the gargantuan door. Making my way over to her, I noticed that her hair was probably the darkest shade of black I had ever seen. Is that even possible, you ask? Beats me. I had always thought that black was black. She notice me walking towards her, turning to face me while placing a small, sad smile on her face. Her eyes were a light shade of brown that went well with her hair color.

"Hey," I said as I reached her,"I'm Reese. You don't seem to look too shocked over the news."

"My name's Nikki and I could say the same about you. Were you not surprised that the King said that we're on a different planet?" she questioned. Her stance was relaxed, with her arms crossed over her chest.

"Not really," I replied. "I kind of had this gut feeling that something was off. Guess I was right. Can't say that I'm too happy about all of this though. Kidnapping wasn't really on my To-Do list for today," I told her with a laugh. She joined into my laughter.

"Me neither. Today has definitely been a hot mess. I over heard the twins that kidnapped me earlier say that they were 'almost to Mire'" she said, making air quotes in the air. "I guess I know what they had meant by that now," she said laughing again.

I was about to reply when a woman's voice rang out across the ballroom, catching all of our attentions. She stood at the top of a balcony and looked as regal as the King with her long, mahogany hair and piercing blue eyes. Her gown was a blue the same color and encrusted with jewels from top to bottom. She was stunning. "Ladies, please! As my husband, and your King, has said to you already, you are not to be harmed while living here. You have nothing to worry about!" she exclaimed, looking quite alarmed by the other girls' behaviors. Her eyes scanned the room as she took in all of our expressions. I was eyeing the door again, so I didn't notice her staring at me. Nikki sure did, though.

"Psst! The Queen is staring at you." I looked up and, sure enough, she was staring me right in the eyes.

"What is your name child?" she asked in a rather serene tone. All of the other girls look back to see who she was talking about. Nikki gave a little snort and a chuckle at their reactions, making me giggle as well.

"Reese," I replied while still giggling.

"You took this information quite well, did you not?"

"Um, well, yes ma'am. I guess I did."

"You guess or you know? Have certainty in your words, child."

"I know, your Majesty."

"Good and may I ask how you stayed in such well control of your emotions? And the young lady beside you as well. You both seemed to have been expecting this sort of thing all along. What is your name, young one?" asked the queen with true wonder in her voice. How did she know what I felt? That's going to bug me. I don't like it when people know things about me, even with something as trivial as a feeling. What scared me the most was that she was dead-on.

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