Chapter 40

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I sat there on the bed, criss-cross, for almost four minutes before he said anything.

"After the whole Das'Nov Palace incident, I had a pixie enchant my home to prevent any of his men from finding me. It basically made my entire home invisible to the naked eye. The land around it, the trees and mountains or whatever, was all anyone could see." He sighed again and slouched further in the chair.

"The only problem, apparently, is that the pixie I hired had her own agenda. She's a part of a coven of beings, pixie and nonpixie alike, that calls themselves The Core. It's basically a band of misfits that seem to think they're saving the world by ridding it of the same beings that rule it - a.k.a the Mirians."

"What makes a Mirian a Mirian? On Earth, everyone is just called an Earthling, no matter what," I asked, stopping his flow. I thought about what I had said for a second. "Well, I guess there's only the one kind of human, so it makes that easy to do. We don't have this many kinds of people on Earth...I miss Earth," I said with finality.

He frowned at my last comment and shrugged his shoulders. "Mirians have always been humanoid in their own way. We don't possess any unusual 'powers' you could say like other beings do. We have heightened senses and speed compared to an 'Earthling'" he said with a smirk, "but nothing else." He thought about it for a little bit. "Oh, I guess the whole teeth thing too. Pixies don't do that." I gave a small, closed-mouth chuckle. I was getting restless with this new Serious-Stefan.

"So, tell me, Stefan. How did I end up with the blood of a Mirian?" I asked jokingly. This negative vibe was killer for my mood, man. "It's not going to make me go crazy like my whole Sivatnya situation, right?" I laughed a little while asking.

Stefan didn't like the joke like I did. He immediately stood up stood in front of me by the bed.

"Show me." He continued to stand and stare.

"I'll show you mine if you show me yours," came my knee-jerk reaction.

"I'm not playing around anymore, Reese. Where is the mark of the Sivatnya?"

"Geez Louise, calm down. It's not that big of a dea-"

"Show. Me. Now." I flinched at the harshness of his words and stopped talking. Slowly, I reached for the hem of my shirt and turned so that more of my right side was facing him. I pulled up the edge of my shirt high enough until you could see most of the spiral on my side. 

He immediately took over once he could see it, grabbing my shirt and yanking it nearly right off my body. With a free hand, he pulled and rubbed at the skin making sure it wouldn't come off.

"I'm a pretty clean eater. I'd remember if I got that much chocolate on me," I joked trying to snap him out of this weird mood.

"Do they know you have this?" He sounded angry now. I sank back away from him and he met my eyes with his own. "Tell me they don't know about this."

"Well, you see..."

"Fuck!" And there he goes pacing again. "No wonder all of this happened today! Shod is dead, Reneeva is scared beyond belief, the damned Pixie cast a spell on you in my own fucking hallway, and I what was I doing? Waiting for lunch? Not saving any of you from this torment, that's for sure!"

As he paced and ranted, I could feel his stress building more and more within my own body. It was overwhelming and had me tearing up involuntarily. He felt absolutely and utterly out of control in his own home and it scared him. 

I hopped off the bed and ran to him. Without thinking, I crashed into his pacing figure and held him as tightly as I could. He froze and just stood there for a while before I could feel him wrapping his arms around me. His stress was lessening, but not quickly. 

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