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I was stood outside the villa doors with Megan, Josh and Charlie who were just as nervous as I was, especially Megan. I took hold of Charlie's hand and Josh took hold of Megan's we were then all given the signal to walk in because we had been told that the islanders were currently having a little party and we were going to crash it with our appearance. When we walked into the kitchen I smirked to myself as I looked at everyone with their backs to the four of us I scanned everyone.
"Oh is that champagne my favourite." I smiled as I looked at Megan who smiled at me. Everyone turned to look at us four who were standing by the kitchen counter the girls looked quite intimidated and so did the boys, I watched as Jack gripped onto Dani and Wes did the same with Laura. We all walked down to see everyone I immediately went over to the girls with a smile whereas the other three went over to the boys.
"Hi I'm Charis." I smiled to them all.

"We weren't told about new people coming in." Rosie said as she looked me up and down,

"Well I hope you don't mind us gate crashing your little celebration." I said in retaliation

"Shall we talk?" Dani asked me and I nodded, we all walked over to the fire pit to have a chat together about everything.

"So Charis who do you like?" Samira asked me as she sipped her drink

"I'm not sure I mean I quite like the look of Alex and Eyal I kind of know who is with who and I don't plan on taking any of the boys away from any of you I'm not like that." I say honestly

"Alex is definitely a nice person he is the kindest and most caring person you will ever meet." Georgia smiled at me

"Yeah and Eyal is so lovely as well- very down to earth." Laura said to me

"Yeah I like someone like that. The thing is though is that if a boy can't make me laugh then I'm not interested. I'm more interested in personality than looks." I tell the girls and the agree "it's been nice talking to you all but I think I should go and introduce myself to the boys now." I smile as I leave the girls and walk over to the boys who were all standing in the kitchen. I passed Megan on the way who was going to talk to the girls.

"Hi boys." I smiled as I grabbed a glass of champagne to drink casually,

"Charis right?" Wes asked me curiously

"Yeah that's me, so what do you all think of Megan?" I asked them quickly

"She's nice very attractive." Alex said

"I reckon you two would make a good couple I can just see it." I smiled at him

"You think so?" Adam asked me as he looked me up and down flirtatiously

"Wouldn't have said it otherwise. I don't lie to people unless it is necessary." I tell him with a small smile

"So who do you like?" Jack asked me

"Like I said to the girls, I'm not here to step on anyone's toes and take you away from the girls you are clearly enjoying spending time with so- Wes, Jack and Adam are off the table." I say

"So that just leaves Eyal, Alex, Josh and Charlie." Wes said to me casually

"Yeah, I do like someone- well two people." I say as I sip my drink.

"And who might they be?" Eyal asked so I turned my attention to him I didn't give a verbal reply I just smirked and walked away from the boys. I turned back around and quickly glanced at Eyal hoping that he was still looking at me and he was so I was happy.

Because Megan, Charlie, Josh and I arrived later at night it was basically time for everyone to go to bed so I walked into the bathroom and talked to Alex while I was in there.
"So who do you like then?" He asked

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