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It was week two of me being in the villa and to be honest it's felt like I've been here just as long as the original islanders that arrived in the first week. I sat up on the sofa and I tied back my hair into a low ponytail I also pulled out some short parts of my hair to shape my face, when I put on my glasses I made my way into the villa where I saw Dani and Samira lying on Jack and Dani's bed together having a chat, but as I got closer I saw that Samira looked a little upset so I sat down on the bed with the two girls and I gave Samira a cuddle for comfort.
"What's up?" I asked her with concern,

"I think that Charlie and Hayley are working things out, they um- well- I overheard them talking at the re coupling that they were planning on coupling up with each other." She said

"So they have both snaked you out, oh babe I feel so guilty I made you and Charlie couple up because I thought you deserved him. I'm so sorry." I say

"It isn't your fault you just wanted me to be happy with a romantic relationship and not a friend." She said

"Do you want me and Charis to speak to them both?" Dani asked her, Samira nodded and I nodded slowly.

"Alright babe, let me get changed and then I'll talk to them." I say I give Samira a kiss on the cheek before I walk into the girl's changing room where I quickly find a bikini and put it on.

When I had gotten changed Dani and I walked into the garden where we found Charlie and Hayley sitting together near the fire pit

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When I had gotten changed Dani and I walked into the garden where we found Charlie and Hayley sitting together near the fire pit. As I was walking over Eyal grabbed me by the waist and tried to pull me over to him by I resisted him
"I'm not in the mood." I say as I push Eyal off and I storm over to Charlie and Hayley with Dani.

"You alright girls?" Hayley smiled

"Not really no. How could you both do that to Samira?" Dani asked them

"What do you mean?" Charlie asked

"Snake on her, suddenly decide that at tonight's re coupling that you two were going to become a couple." I say bluntly.

"I don't know what you mean." Charlie says to me,

"Cut the shit Charlie! You and Hayley were going to couple up and leave Samira oblivious to be humiliated tonight in front of millions of people." I snap at them both,

"she's meant to be your friend Hayley, she has been there for you with the whole Eyal stuff right at the beginning and then you suddenly do this!" Dani says,

"You know what there isn't any point Dani, leave them to it. I just hope that the public see you both for the snakes that you're and I hope that you both get dumped from the island." I snap bluntly as I walk away with Dani.

We went our separate ways, Dani walked away and hugged Jack whereas I passed Samira who was being consoled by Alex and Wes, I walked into the bedroom and I don't know what came over me I just burst I threw my bottle at the wall and suddenly felt extremely angry.
"Charis! Charis!" I heard Eyal call, he came over and hugged me tightly

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