Kiiouma One-Shot

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Late into the night of an unusual April day, a certain robotic boy lay motionless on the cherry blossom covered grass. His bright blue eyes focus on the starry sky and his conflicted thoughts swirled around in his 'mind'. The young robot's chest had an alien-like crushing state which made him want to scream out into the brightly lightened sky. Of course, he wasn't always like this as these problems were only created today when the young robot was quickly introduced to his new classmates, it is easily admitted that this wasn't as successful as the last school he attended.
Once he had arrived at his new private school he awkwardly stood at the top of the dull classroom, his stomach twisted in on itself making him want to puke, even though he couldn't have that function. He searched his database for a logical answer and luckily for him he was given one rapidly; he'd been infected with those so-called butterflies people experience in strange circumstances.


"An android? Why is it here, shouldn't it be smart enough?" one of them loudly asked as she cheekily grinned towards her friends who were trying to hold back their giggles. "A-actually, I was specially invented to l-learn like you humans do. I'm just as intelligent as everyone in this room," Kiibo had replied, his voice seemed to break unwillingly with this pressure. These extreme feelings were very new to him and he had no idea how to react.
This caused the class to grow quiet for some reason, a blank stare coated on to the multiple unique faces included in the room.
"D-did I say something incorrect?" Kiibo asked, a frown appearing on his pale face. All this tension caused him to believe that he wasn't wanted here at all... These seventeen other students were definitely robophobic.

"So class please sit down. I will begin today's lesson," the teacher announced, slightly pushing Kiibo away from his desk area. With the thought of unwantedness, he slowly dragged his body towards an empty seat near the far back. Placing his belongings down, the young boy sat down on the plastic seat and opened up his new blue bag.
Kiibo didn't know how to think about this situation... last time he transferred schools the students there welcomed him with open arms. They even threw a small welcoming party for him which made him feel a strange sense of appreciation towards the kind students. But these guys seemed very cold and untrustworthy. The medium-sized classroom gave off a very unpleasant aura... he felt uncomfortable here and soon his blue eyes became unfocused whilst his hand unconsciously took down useless notes.

What were these unfamiliar feelings those new classmates created?


Forlorn. Dejection. Unwantedness.

Those were the words his conclusion arrived too. With that understood, he knew they were the words that perfectly described his feelings when he'd been surrounded by those other kids.
Even now, he was completely lost when it came to reading the mood but clearly understood that they couldn't stand talking to a 'piece of metal' like him... all of them was clearly human after all. And after looking at himself, he was definitely nowhere near their level of humanity. Kiibo would never be able to call himself a normal teenager or human, ever.

A strange sound escaped Kiibo's silver lips. Following that strange sound was his eyes blinking furiously so that he could stop the non-existent tears that 'fell' uncontrollably down his cheeks. Whilst doing so he brought his metallic hand to his face placing his palm over his teary blue eyes. "I'm so sorry..." he murmured to himself, a bitter smile placed on his face once he knew a clear fact that this was really pathetic of him.

"There's no need to apologise Roboboy," a sudden voice was be heard very close by. Alarmed by this, Kiibo immediately jumped up to look around the secluded area. Right beside him there stood a small boy with gravity-defying blackish purple hair. He wore a black school uniform with small golden button, a very common uniform for the Japanese high schoolers.
The boy seemed well-kept, happy and the cute sparkle in his eyes somewhat comforted him.
Kiibo sniffed, wiping away the 'tears' that had 'fallen' down his very pale cheeks. He lifted himself up to a sitting position as his blue eyes came into contact with a pair of violet ones. "What?" Kiibo muttered in a quiet voice that was barely audible for the other teen.
"My name is Kokichi Ouma!" He cheerfully said. "What's yours?" the purple haired boy asked, smiling brightly as he tilted his head slightly.

"Um... I'm Kiibo," the robotic teen replied as he awkwardly brought his hand to his chest. "Aww, what a cute name," Kokichi chuckled, sitting down beside Kiibo. This made him blush uncontrollably as he barely got any 'compliments' from a boy who was around his age. "D-don't say that!" Kiibo exclaimed. "It's... weird," his facial expression showed the sadness and weird emotions he felt. Kokichi looked towards the stranger, his stomach turned when he saw that expression on Kiibo's face, but he came up with a brilliant question for this roboboy.

"So, do robots have dicks?"

Kiibo choked, his silver face turning bright pink in a matter of seconds. "Please do not ask such inappropriate questions!" Kiibo shouted. Honestly, with that extreme look of embarrassment on Kiibo's pale face, Kokichi couldn't help but laugh in return. But then suddenly the inappropriate violet-eyed teen laid down on the pink flower covered grass, staring up into the beautiful starry sky. With confusion and hesitation, Kiibo followed the purple haired teens' action and lay beside him. "You know, I've never been friends with a robot before," Kokichi sighed softly. "Can I touch you?" He asked with the strangest look in his violet orbs. "Could you be any more inappropriate," Kiibo rolled his eyes with a sense of annoyance but couldn't help but smile. "Sure, just don't do anything weird."

Kokichi felt a rush of excitement through his veins as he grabbed his new friends hand quickly. It had an unusual texture... but it felt warm and comforting like a human?
The pair lay in silence for what seemed like decades, their presence comforting each other in a loving way.
This all came on very suddenly for the pair of teens, as they felt something they had never felt before and it had caught them both by off guard. 'He's a stranger! Get a hold of yourself,' Kokichi thought whilst he slapped himself mentally. His entire stomach area seemed to churn with butterflies, an unusual feeling that he couldn't understand properly.

'What is this? Why... I've only met him,' Kiibo asked himself, confusion taking over his mind in a matter of minutes. The poor guy never experienced these feelings before, which only added more fuel to his muddled AI.


Kokichi grinned, tightening the grip on their interlocked hands. "Nishishi I didn't realise how warm you'd be Kiibot. I really believed you'd be cold~," he said postulating as he slowly got up. Kiibo simply rolled his eyes with a small huff and followed Kokichi upwards. Once the pair were standing they stared into each other's bright orbs for a while without a word. Suddenly, Kokichi takes his small hand away with a small blush on his pale-ish cheeks.

"I'll see you around, Kiibo~kun." Kokichi winked before he left him, waving as he did so. Coincidentally, cherry blossoms started to fall around the pair, making the situation even more strange than before. But it was a comfortable kind of strange... They both enjoyed each other's company after all.
Soon the mischievous little Ouma had left Kiibo's side as soon as he arrived. It only felt like seconds for the pair but in reality, they'd been lying there for over an hour just looking at the stars. And as Ouma left, cherry blossoms started fallen down near both of them which caused Ouma the blush slightly. "Wowie... I'm glad I came here, " he whispered to himself in joy.

"Bye Oma~Kun," Kiibo waved the hand which had earlier held Kokichi's small hand. With a smile on his face, he began walking home with a positive spring in his step. Kiibo had finally found a person he connected positively with, all thanks to the relaxing and tranquil little pink Sakura flowers that fell on this April night.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 13, 2018 ⏰

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