Chapter 1

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(A/N): Credit goes to ksmile1313 for the artwork you see here! Such awesome art! ^-^

(Y/N)'s Pov

I was so excited! I had been offered a job to work on the Kira case with L and the other members! I couldn't wait to get to Japan to meet them all!

But there was a small problem...

I had no idea how to interact with anyone! I had social anxiety and just couldn't use my people well.

But I didn't let it get to me, and I set off for my new job!

I made my way to the airport and was about to board the plane, but I had to speak to a woman first.

"Which plane will you be boarding today Miss?" The woman asked me.

"Uh...F-F-Flight F-Fourty Seven t-to Jap-p-pan", I stammer.

"Alright then Miss. May I see your tickets please?" The woman asked, holding out her hand.

I nodded slowly and took out my tickets. I held out my shaking hand with my tickets in it, and gave them to the woman who checked them over and did some other stuff I didn't really care about.

"That's fine Miss. Just head over there and your plane will be here shortly", the woman pointed to the left. I nodded slowly at her, and made my way over, carrying my luggage.

-Small Time Skip cause I don't know what to do next-

I finally made it onto the plane and I was finally making my way to Japan.
Soon, I heard a small argument going on and then a young blonde haired girl sat next to me. She crossed her arms and legs and scowled.

"Idiots! That was my seat!" She said.

I didn't make contact with the girl. I just plugged my ears and stared out the window.

"So, you going to Japan too?" She turned to look at me, but I obviously couldn't hear her.

She tapped my shoulder. I flinched and turned to her, taking my ear buds out.

"Are you going to Japan too?" She asked again.

I nodded.

"You don't have to give me the silent treatment, you know! I'm not gonna kill you!" She scowled at me, making me flinch again. "I'm Misa Amane by the way!" She held her hand out to me, suddenly changing her expression.

I went to shake her hand, soon realizing how sweaty my palm was. Misa grabbed my hand and shook it. She didn't seem to mind about my sweaty palm.

"What's your name?" Misa asked me.

"Uh...(Y-Y/N) (L-L/N)", I stutter.

"Cool name. So (Y/N), why are you coming to Japan? On holiday or something?" She asked.

'What's up with all these questions?! Am I being interrogated?!" I thought to myself.

"Uh...W-Well...I-I-I'm going t-to Jap-p-pan t-to help w-with the K-K-Kira in-v-vestigation", I stutter.

"Oh really?!" Misa turned her attention to me and shot right up to my face. "You gonna be a part of the taskforce in charge of catching Kira?" She seemed very excited.

I nodded again. Misa moved away from you and sat back down in her seat.

"I see", she said. Her expression seemed disappointed now. "I'm actually a supporter of Kira", she whispered very quietly to me, causing me to flinch again and widen my eyes.

"Yep. You see, Kira killed the man who killed my parents. I can't thank Kira enough for doing that for me. I'm coming to Japan to hopefully meet Kira, and thank him for what he's done", Misa whispered very quietly, tears forming in her eyes.

I couldn't help but feel sorry for her. I patted her back to try and cheer her up. She looked up at me and smiled. I smiled back.

-Another Flipping Time Skip!-

The plane had arrived in Japan. Misa and I had made our way to the train station. The two of us got onto a train that took us to Tokyo.

Once the train had arrived in Tokyo, the two of us got off.

"I have to go this way", Misa said, pointing the opposite direction from where I was heading.

"O-Oh O-O-Okay", I stutter back.

"Here! I'll give you my number so you can call me if you get lonely!" Misa handed me a piece of paper with her phone number on it.

"Alright. Th-Thank you Misa", I say.

"Take care (Y/N)! I hope to see you soon!" Misa waved at me, then ran off.

I wave back and make my way outside the train station, where I hop into a taxi. Soon, I was driven into the beautiful city of Tokyo!

Once I got out and paid the taxi driver, I pulled out my cell phone and decide to call L. He gave me a private number that I could use to contact him.

He picked up almost immediately.


"H-Hi! It's (Y-Y/N). Uh...Do y-you know h-how I could g-get to the t-t-taskforce from w-w-where I am? I'm in T-Tokyo, b-but-"

"Of course. I didn't give you directions. I apologise (Y/N). Please follow the directions I'm about to send you. Then delete the message as soon as you get there".

And with that, L hung up.

I then hear my phone go off. It was the directions on how to get to the taskforce.

I sigh and run a hand through my (H/C), as I find where I am and start to follow the directions to the taskforce.

After what felt like forever, walking and checking to see if I wasn't lost, I come face to face with a very tall building.

'This must be it', I thought to myself. 'Time to start my new job!'

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