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Request: Can u do a marley fic with a fem reader whos a year older (jock type) plays softball and has this reputation around school but reader is actually really nice and meets marley and they fall in love (scenes with marley going to readers games, wearing readers jersey, reader maybe joining the glee club) gay and super fluffy with some kissing

Pairing: Marley Rose x Fem!Reader

Marley stood at her locker, her bright blue eyes never leaving the entrancing figure at the other end of the hallway. This had become a regular thing for Marley to do since back in August when she had started her junior year of high school at McKinley. It was now early November and Unique was over all the lovesick staring.

"Girl, you need to either woman up or move on," she said as she waved her hand in front of Marley's gaze.

Her attention flew to Unique, cheeks tinting a deep shade of pink. "W-what? I don't know what you mean."

"Mhm," she hums sarcastically. "I'm talking about tall, strong, and gorgeous over there that you've been drooling over for five straight minutes."

"No, I haven't!" Marley exclaims a little too defensively. She looks into Unique's knowing eyes and drops her head with a sigh. "Okay. Maybe she's a little bit attractive."

Unique clicks her tongue disapprovingly. "A little? Marley, sweetie, you've been pining after her since this summer. Don't think I didn't notice you admiring how good her booty looked in her softball pants."

"Ugh! Fine! She beautiful. Okay? But, it doesn't matter," she trails off with disappointment in her tone.

"And why not?" Unique presses.

Marley toes the tile floor with her boot. "Well, she's a senior. Not to mention her reputation," she says matter-of-factly.

"Girl, what reputation?" Unique asks.

"That she's basically a female Puckerman. A player, a rebel, intimidating...I could go on," she says with a chuckle.

She shakes her head as the two return their gazes to you at the other end of the hallway. You had one forearm holding you up against the wall next to the head of the girl you were talking to. Your black leather jacket framed your shoulders nicely as you continued to talk and laugh.

You were of average height, and had insanely beautiful curves from all the muscle you gained playing sports. Softball was a spring/summer sport, so you played basketball in the winter to stay in shape. The girl you had been talking to was not only your lab partner but also a Cheerio. The two of you were only talking about your project. Even though she was attractive, you wouldn't dare make a move on her because she was spoken for.

The bell rings and you give her a friendly hug before heading off toward the gym for basketball practice. You could see where all of your bad reputation rumors sprouted from. You were naturally charismatic, and it could be interpreted as very flirty and forward. But in all actuality, you've never slept around. Sure, a couple relationships here and there. Nothing too serious but nothing too casual.

You've never once been in trouble, and the only thing you could think of that would come across as intimidating is your resting bitch face. So, yeah. Your reputation was completely made up of rumors that no one ever bothered to question. You just rolled with it, though. Figuring if anyone actually wanted the truth, then they would ask. But, no one ever has.

As you round the corner near the gym, someone flies right into you. Papers scatter everywhere, and they lose their balance. Reacting quickly, you take hold of their elbows to steady them. "Woah, there. Where's the fire?" You chuckled as you finally looked into their eyes.

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