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Request: Could I get a Santana x Reader imagine where the reader is a member of glee club and is quiet because she has a lot of family problems and stuff and then Santana falls for her and everyone is shocked but they find it cute and stuff? X

Pairing: Santana Lopez x Fem!Reader

You sat quietly in the back row of Glee Club as you usually did while yet another fight about who gets to sing a solo broke out. Everyone was yelling over each other, taking sides and insulting each other. You never got involved in these squabbles because you'd long since learned that your opinion didn't really matter.

It's not as bad as it sounds, though. The New Directions were a family. This was the one room that everyone could be themselves in and be outspoken. You all supported each other through everything, but you didn't hesitate to argue when it came to the spotlight.

Mr. Schue leaned atop the piano exasperatedly, waiting for them to stop. He made eye contact with you and gave a small smile, grateful that you're the only one who never got involved. Although he was always concerned that you never spoke much over the three years you'd been in Glee Club. You shrugged and gave a small smile that said, "What's new?"

He laughed to himself before straightening up and yelling for everyone to settle down. "All right! All right! If you can't behave yourselves, then I guess nobody is getting a solo at Sectionals," he threatened with a shrug.

"That is totally unfair! You cannot silence my talent!" Rachel yelled across the room dramatically. You rolled your eyes as you waited for the escapades to end.

Unbeknownst to you, a pair of dark chocolate eyes never left your silent figure. Santana crossed her arms and pursed her luscious lips. She never understood why you were in Glee Club when you never talked. Well, you've said a few things when spoken to first but mostly you kept to yourself. You always sat or stood in the back and sung the backup vocals for the rest of them, never wanting your own solo.

She was intrigued by you. Wondering why you would choose such a rowdy club when your personality seemed to say you'd rather have your nose in a book. She cocked her head to the side as she watched your shoulders shake the slightest bit, accompanied by a small smile on your lips. You were laughing at Rachel's theatrics. Santana certainly didn't miss the way her heartbeat fluttered at the sight.

Her attention was brought back to the front as something Mr. Schue said caught her ear. "We'll be doing two duets and a group number. We'll be having a competition at the end of next week to see which two pairs will get the slot," he says as he claps his hands together.

Everyone immediately begins looking and pointing at each other to see who would sing with them. But, Mr. Schue speaks up again, "Before you get carried away picking'll be pulling names out of a hat to decide. That way no one has any unfair advantages!"

"That's show choir terrorism!" Kurt exclaimed leaning forward in his chair.

Santana turns in her seat. "Oh, whatever. You're just mad because now you can't sing some Katy Perry love song with Blaine. News flash, no matter who you get...I'll still kick your ass and win the first duet," she says matter-of-factly with a smug grin.

You press your lips together in a thin line to contain your snicker. Santana's insults and smackdowns were the highlights of your day. She was so blunt and real. Not to mention sexy and confident. Truthfully, you'd admired her since both of your sophomore years. But, she'd never be into someone like you. You were quiet, insecure, and certainly not popular enough.

Her eyes flicked over to you as Kurt's mouth hung open disbelievingly. Seeing you amused by her antics made her heart thump harder. She was almost sure that soon it would be loud enough to hear. Your eyes moved from Kurt to look at her. When you found her already eyeing you, your cheeks tinted pink and you averted your gaze back to the front.

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