Victoria Jacobs and Randy Orton

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" I'm am just sick and tried of stephaine's bullshit.

. All this best for business nonsense clearly doesn't work." i say

"All you are is a spoiled little brat that get everything this she wants from daddy.

you never had to work for anything like the rest of us." i countine

" and you expect us to resp-

* Style and Grace

I'm never gonna be done.

Lean on in.

Now welcome to the Queendom.*

"no Victoria is this anyway to talk to you boss." Stephanie says

"now we . i mean us the attorthy understand why you feel this way. Your title shot was take way but only because you just not best for business at this moment. " she says

"not best for business are you f ricken insane. I earn my title . i work for it not you." i said

She shook her head.

" some like you doesn't warn anything you were strip from you title because of your wins in the matches." she says

"what hell are you talking about ?" i asked

" we now you cheated" she says

now hunter was considering firing you for this but i told him we shouldn't ."

" cheating all you people ever do is cheat i won all my match in the account of pin fall or submission." tell her

"but Victoria you're missing that last match with summer Rae. The disqualification" she says.

my face drops in awe. "you mean you senting out Randy to distract me."

" darling Randy came out on his own. we would never have Randy do something like that to anyone especially you" she smiles

"STOP lying to me Randy would never do that me" i say.

"oh really well the watch what happened before you match"

*She shows a video of Randy and Stephanie talking. Randy looking really pissed off.

saying he'll ruin my match , i can lose the title shot*

*I hear voice in my head.

they talk to me.

they understand.

they talk to me*

"oh look Randy Orton  hear to explain his actions. " Stephanie says.

" look Victoria I didn't mean for any of that to happen last monday. I was just forced to mess up your match." he said

" Randy . I-

" Randy you need to know your place. i can assure the attorthy would never tell anyone to do anything like that."

"why don't you shut up Stephanie i'm sick of your crap" randy says

Stephanie was dumbfounded.

" we don't need to hear your bitching. im actually done with you or your husband trying to control me." You threaten me.  he says

" I'm your boss you two can't speak to me this way" she yells

"Stephanie I already new about your plan with both did actually we all do. i say

the entire roster comes from back stage.

"we all are sick of you crap and we done with you and hunter." i say

" i am not part of your little lapdog  anymore and never will be" Randy adds

"we figured out what you did to Victoria and all the others rebounded about the shit you did to them." he continued.

"we want you out of power or we go on strike" i says

" ha you think that any of this will work in me  your completely mistaken" Stephanie laughs.

i walk up to her. "Stephanie mcmahon you and your husband are fired on behalf of you fathers Vince mcmahon letter." i said hold up a piece of paper.

"what she" laughed.

i stayed serious. and hand her the paper.

she read it and began to have a fit.

"this isn't over Victoria" she screams.

i couldn't handle her anymore her face just upset me

i muster up the strength and slap Stephanie mcmahon in the face


you're fired get out Stephanie"

Stephanie slowly walks off the ring and back while hold her cheek

i smile at randy and run into to his arms

" we actually did it i can't believe she felt for the letter" i laugh.

"Victoria i have to tell you something" he said sound all serious.

" yeah ?" i asked

"i've known you for a while and when everyone hated me. You were the only one who say me for me. you helped me realize what the name Orton really means." he aays

"i just what im trying to say is that i love you and will you be mine" he says

" I dunno what to say"

"Randy you mean everything thing to me your best friend and i never what to -"

" i know i shouldn't -

I pulled Randy close and kissed him on the cheek. i saw him blush a tiny bit

" i never said no randy i want to be more than friends.  i really do have feelings for you" i whispered.

"So, yes i'd love to go out with you"

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