Missing Fox

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Sonic stirred. He looked up at the clock that had stopped ticking years ago. It's hands still stuck on the twelve and four. He rubbed his eyes. It was still dark in the house. His cheek felt quite warm. He wasn't sure why. He tried rubbing it but the heat never left. He shrugged it off. He looked over at the black hedgehog sleeping soundly across the room. He sighed. This house had so many memories. Him and Tails would spend all day just sitting, playing games, talking. Sonic remembered something. He stretched and looked up at the couch. The moon light only shone on the wall around the clock so it was hard to see if the fox was sleeping or not. The blanket was all bunched up. Sonic put his hand up there to see if the fox was really sleeping. Nothing. He did it again. Once again....nothing. His heart began to beat faster. He got up and pulled the blanket off. It fell to the floor in a heap revealing the empty couch. "Tails!?" Sonic said whispering frantically. Sonic went over to Shadow nudging him. "What.... the hell do you want...... faker." He mumbled. Sonic nudged him again. "I said what!" Shadow rose up quickly, obviously annoyed. "Tails is gone." Sonic said with a worried expression. "No he is not, he is right--." Shadow looked over at the empty couch. He rubbed his eyes and looked again. Just to be sure. "Where the hell did he go?' He asked worriedly. Sonic shrugged his shoulders.  "All I know is, we need to find him." Shadow rolled his eyes. "Nah dip Sherlock." Sonic rolled his eyes as well. "Where would he have gone?" Shadow asked. "Sonic tried thinking. "Somewhere familiar right? How bout back at the outpost or maybe.... " Sonic thought of where the fox was only a week before. Shadow could see the disbelief in Sonics eyes. "Where do you think he went?" Sonic had a sick feeling in the pit of his stomach. "He might of gone back to Robotnick city..." Shadow sighed. "So first we save the fox just for him to return back to where we saved him from....nice." Sonic looked around for any clues of the fox but came up empty handed. "Alright. I'll go to Robotnick City you go to the outpost." Sonic said thinking. Shadow nodded. "Sounds like a plan." Shadow stretched. "I'll send word if we found him at any of the outposts." Sonic nodded in approval to what shadow said. Shadow opened the door to the house, closing it behind him quietly. Sonic stood in the middle of the room. Taking in the scenery. The dusty pictures still hung on the wall. The fireplace cold as the night air. Sonic shivered. It was colder than he thought.  He walked over to the door. Looking at everything. This was what he considered home. Where he could sit and relax. Play games. Feel comfortable....and...be with the one he loved most. Tails. He slowly shut the door to the paradise he loved so well. He took a deep breath of the cool crisp air. Something caught his eye on the ground. He squinted. It looked to be a hint of yellow. He picked it up. Fur. He looked towards  the old broken trail that him and Tails used to run on. Good times those were. Most of the trail had been fitted with camps and shanty towns now. He noticed another tuff of fur on a bush. He walked over. Tails had definitely been through here. He looked down the trail. The fox was somewhere near here. Sonic didn't know how near but he had a feeling he was. Sonic began walking down the trail, leaving not just the beloved home behind him, but leaving all the good memories there too....

A Battle Beaten Fox (Sequal To War On Mobius)Where stories live. Discover now