Chapter 7 - Battle, Start!

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The driver of the red EG6 steps out of the car. Shoji Shingo. The no.2 driver of the Night Kids team parking on the top of Usui.

Sayuki notices Shingo's EG6 and questions herself "Shingo? What's he doing here?"

Shingo looks over his EG6, and notices an Impreza.

As Shingo observes the Impreza, he sees Sayuki in the passenger seat and Takumi in the driver's seat.

Shingo, infuriated from what he sees, decides to approach the Impreza. Sayuki taps Takumi's shoulder, whispering "It's Shingo, you might want to pay attention."

Takumi, snapping out of his daydreaming, looks in front of the windshield.

As he sees Shingo approaching with quite a menacing look, he senses an aura around Shingo.

"He's mad, definitely mad." thought Takumi. As Shingo stands in front of the Impreza, crossing his arms with dissatisfaction, Takumi steps out of the Impreza.

Shingo, suddenly putting on a nice face, says towards Takumi "Yo! Fujiwara, nice Impreza."

Takumi, confused as to seeing Shingo's personality change, responds with "Um, thanks. What are you doing here, Shoji?"

Making an unnoticable grin, Shingo says "I heard Sayuki had gone in a blue Impreza, thought I'd say hi."

As Shingo continues, he heads closer towards Takumi and says "I'll challenge you to a battle. If I win, you'll stay away from Sayuki, but there's also a catch.."

"We're going to have a Duct-Tape Deathmatch." as Sayuki hears those words, her face gets slightly pale, after thinking that Takumi won't be able to survive the deathmatch.

Sayuki hears Takumi saying the words "Okay, let's do just that." and seriously starts worrying about Takumi.

Sayuki, trying to stop her childhood friend exclaims "No! You shouldn't do it! I've seen Shingo racing when he's mad, and he's improved from leaps and bounds after he lost to you!"

Takumi, still wanting to show Sayuki his abilities, says "Don't worry. It has 4 wheels and an engine, there's no way I'm backing out." although he wasn't actually in the mood, he wanted to show Sayuki.

As the cars line up on the top of usui, a battle was already in motion.

Shingo with his unknown intentions says to Takumi "Fujiwara, why don't you go first?" Takumi agrees and goes first.

As they dive into the first corner, Takumi uses one hand to drift through the right corner, over 100km/h.

Shingo enters at nearly the same speed, pulling the handbrake as he drifts through.

Both the cars are side-by-side, and the B16-A engine now producing 230HP, making it easier to keep up with Takumi.

Sayuki observes Takumi in the passenger seat, and she notices that Takumi has a face like he's seriously conventrating. "He has a really serious face, he wasn't like that when I saw him.."

Takumi, having noticed that Shingo's keeping up with him, thinks "He's improved! He's truly fast, but.. he's not my father!" He steps on the throttle a bit more, but not too much.

As the second corner instantly pops up, Takumi instantly presses the brake, shifts down like revenge for a dead parent, turning the steering wheel to the left. The car's balance, transferred to the rear, slides the rear tires, causing it to easily turn. Sayuki, being observant towards Takumi, thinks "He's way better than Mako.. I can already see it from these two corners.."

"With speed like this, there's no way he can be beaten.." the amount of trust she had in Takumi made her fear less.

Takumi, already far away from Shingo's EG6, is still going all-out. As the 35th corner was there, he pressed the brake, however, he didn't press the clutch hard enough, temporarily stalling the gearbox. As he was stuck in 5th gear, trying to get it back to 3rd, Shingo passed him, a grin on Shingo's face made Takumi infuriated, and he stepped on the clutch again, trying to shift back to 3rd, it was not possible. He gave up trying to shift it, and kept it on 5th.

Sayuki was there to witness it all, she noticed that Takumi tried to consistently keep his Impreza's RPM over 4000 so it would produce enough power to make it through the Touge.

-End of chapter 7-

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