Chapter 1

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The name One Direction ranged in my head, I was dedicated to them. I wanted the chance to meet Louis Tomlinson. Like any other girl, I imagine Louis and me falling in love. That how I became his secret admirer.


* Jocelyn (POV)*

I walked in the cafeteria and seat down at my table. Both of my friends were all ready sitting down.

"Hey, Taylor and Michelle." I said.

"Hey, Jocelyn." They both said.

"One Direction boys are my husbands." Michelle said with a grin.

"Whore! You can't have all of them." Taylor protested.

"Girls, Chill out. I have Louis and y'all can have the rest." I laughed.

"Okay, you can have him. I get Zayn Malik." Michelle narrowed her eyes at Taylor.

"Okay, but I get Liam and Harry." Taylor said proudly.

I stopped paying attention to them. They argued at each other all the time and I still couldn't believe they were friends. I looked down at the pages of my book. I had to the book for English class. It was about a girl sending notes to this boy, then at the in they fell in love. I knew about the book obviously, but I still had to read it. I hated school! They were finally done arguing. I looked up and saw them both looking at me.

"What?" I asked looking at them curious to why the were staring at me.

"Jocelyn, your not listen to me." Michelle rolled her eyes.

"Yes I am." I lied.

"Then what did I say?" She narrowed her eyes at me.

"There's a party tonight at Anna's house." Taylor said.

"Taylor shut up." Michelle yelled.

"I'll go." I said. Smiles when across both if there faces.

"Your not a bitch no more." Michelle said to me. I smiled.

"I will pick both of y'all up." Taylor said smiling.

"Okay, bye" I said. They both waved bye to me and I walked to English class.

School was over and I walked home. I walked up the stairs not paying attention to what was in front of me. I open the door and ran straight to my room. I threw my bag on the ground next to my desk. I plopped down on my bed. I remember about the party, why was I going? I never went to one before because I lied about having plans. Michelle would get mad and it made Taylor upset. I just said yes this time, I always heard that party are where people do 'it' and drink alcohol. They were true about that, but I wanted to see how bad it was.

I had many dress because my mother bought them for all occasion. I slid into a short light red dress with black high heels. I curled my light brown and put eyeliner on, It made my hazel eyes shine. I got a text from Taylor saying she be here in a minute. I walked straight to the front down not looking back. I saw Taylor's car parked in front of my house. I ran to the car and got in the back seat. Michelle was wearing a short, strapless, black dress with her black hair straight.

"Hey, ready to go?" Taylor asked me. She was wearing a pink skin tight dress with her blonde hair in a ponytail.

"Yeah, lets go." I said with a smile.

We made it to the party and we walked in. Michelle was in the middle and I was on her left and Taylor was on her right side. All the people turned there heads at us. I wasn't nervous because I had Michelle with me, she was a bad ass! Taylor was the girlie one and I was ...... normal. We got on the dance floor and started to dance. One direction song came on and the three of us smiles and sang to the song.

I woke up on the floor. My hand hurt and my sight was blurry. I looked around, I saw Michelle and Taylor on the floor too. I sat up to it was Michelle's room. I stood up and walked out of her house. I lived down the street from her. I walked up the porch steps and opened the door. I didn't see anyone so I tiptoed to my room. I stripped out of the dress and put short on and a T-shirt.

I laid down on my bed, something stabbed me in the back, I grabbed the thing. It was the English class book. I looked up at the wall and saw Louis Tomlinson. I smiled. I bet he had a million of stalker and crazy girl fans. I was probably one of those girls, but I didn't flash them or send them crazy messages. Only if the book was about me and Louis. I wished like all the other girls.

My mother walked in my room and smiled. I didn't think she knew I went to the party. I smiled back at her. She came and sat on my bed.

"How was the party?" She asked me with a motherly look.

"Good..... how did you know?" I asked guilty.

"I'm your mother, I know everything." She laugh. "So you didn't 'do' anyone?" She wiggled her eyebrows at me.

"Mom! No!" I yelled.

"Sorry honey, didn't mean to put were panties in a wad." She laughed. I laugh so hard I almost fell off my bed. She walked out of my room. My mother was awesome and she was my best friend, but she acted like a pain in the ass sometimes. I threw the book on my desk and walked down stairs.

I sat on the couch and saw that the news was on. The news were lame and boring, but the weatherman was hot so he made it better. I watched the TV. The weatherman was it was going to be hot, yeah because of him looking all good and -.

"Honey, stop daydreaming about the weatherman." She laughed. I swear she could read my mind, It scared me. I closed my eyes at the boring news. I dreamed about me and Louis getting married.

Louis Tomlinson Secret AdmirerWhere stories live. Discover now